The Power Of Your Voice
Artificial Intelligent exist to enhance human life. The daily life will be more convenient with many applications. It helps people to do some stuff such as healthcare tracking, schedule, planning, etc. AI combining with IoT will make every device in your home alive as they can understand and know your habits. Imaging that all the devices in your home can understand what you say, the only think you need to do is using your voice to ask them do what you need.
Snips was born to make it realistic. Snips is a software solution to power Private by Design voice assistants. Businesses or individuals, anyone can set up the Snips platform on a single board computer (for example a Raspberry Pi 3 or an i.MX8M), and install a voice assistant on it.
Once the platform is set up, and the assistant is installed, the voice assistant can be triggered by using the Wakeword of choice, and calling out one of the apps the assistant is meant to handle.
The reason of this idea comes from the demand of the effort to learn how to use a technology around us. This also supports for old people who have to struggle to use a new technology device. Keeping a mental map of how every interface works simply became too hard, to a point where we now feel completely saturated by technology. How then, are we supposed to handle the hundreds of billions of connected devices that are coming onto the market? What happens when every chair, table, lamp or TV tries to capture our attention like our smartphones do? Are we poised to become robots ourselves? And everything you need is just speak your voice out to give them the command.
With the AI and deep learning, people just need to use human language. No one can’t spy on you or your kids and help to protect your family’s privacy as it doesn’t send data to cloud.
At snips, they believe in privacy and openness. The Snips air was build to become a voice system to our home. Snips air is not just a single device. It’s an ecosystem of devices; it’s seamless to get your voice. It give you to access your voice to figure from everywhere in your home. The devices work from the decentralize way, forming a mesh network base on AirNet protocol so no matter which device you’re speaking to. Figures can be added to our secure app store base on the block chain to ensure that all transactions have been privately and security. And of course, everything runs entirely in device. It makes snips air become a trust assistant, because everything you say at home, just stay at home.
This would be a brilliant project with help to make our life is easier and more private. This project is running smoothly with the below roadmap.
Do you want to become one of the first people who can experience Snips Air. Join the token sales to own new future and make your life better with these intelligent things.
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