Guide to starting from scratch with crypto

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

This will be a sort of guideline as to how to get off the ground in crypto markets without investing anything other than time. NO I DID NOT say this guideline would be pretty. I will also be adding more information. So keep a look out as well. A person COULD invest at the same time with same method. However, each works, one just takes longer. With that being said. I will go ahead and lay the ground work with what I am going to be showing you how to do.

First thing on the block. The truth, you WILL NOT GENERATE ANY bitcoin at ANY website. STAY AWAY from any sites that claim that they "generate" bitcoin. This is a major red flag to any and everyone. DO NOT even bother with these sites. In fact, these sites should be reported as to get rid of them. This not only protects you but, the markets as well as your own money.

Secondly, you most likely will not be mining BTC at home with just an everyday computer. There are rigs that are made to do this but, you have to take into consideration the amount of noise, and even the amount of energy it takes to run most of those rigs now. Which is one part of the reason there are so many "for sale and lease". Now the question I ask you, is why is the person leasing the power.... when they could do it themselves? Exactly.

There is on the other hand things you CAN mine at home with any device. There are coins that can even be mined via your phone now. I won't go into the ones being mined with phones as it is just too much to go into. HOWEVER, I will speak a bit on where to obtain crypto currencies that are still worth money free elsewhere. Some of these methods will even be done using the power of your own pc or tablet. While some will be ways that are set on time schedules. This way you collect however often. I will go into what to do with what you get. How to save them and what to go after. I will also include of course a part where you can put money into and invest. Those who wish to invest can do so with ease of mind. I work with others to always be on the look out for scams and be sure to inform people of them. Before long there will be another post all about these sites.

Moving along. So you want to start mining... ok slow your horses a little. You must first understand with anything comes time and effort. If you aren't willing to take the time out to do the effort. You will not get anywhere. Whether you are investing or not. Either way it is all about time. So keeping that in mind you need to think not only somewhat short term as to what you want and what you will do. This way you can fund your operation once it is going. This is better in the long term, as then you will have more to do with. Like most traders will tell you. Take 20% of your profits and sell and the other 80% invest. Now that doesn't necessarily mean it all has to go right back into the same place. There are many places that offer investment windows that allow for daily compounding % rates. Who doesn't love that right?

So, let us start from the beginning. Let us say we will set an ultimate goal of 1 bitcoin. Which at this time is roughly 8500$. Now we know the bitcoin price will already rise. ESPECIALLY after all the regulation questions being raised. This is only a matter of time as governments will realize the need for these crypto markets and the currencies. The potential within them is absolutely mind boggling. Now yes, like any market. It can be just as volatile. But, every day and every dollar is a risk is it not? This is why you either do things from the ground up in your spare time, or invest little bits to test the waters even. It is all up to you.

The easiest way of doing things in the free department. First, you want to know what you are going to be doing. Will you be using sites that give you small amounts here and there and gathering it all up? Will you be using your computer to mine as well? If so, what are you using and what is available to you? It's all a numbers game. Now bare in mind. Most people won't tell you about the costs of power. Some will, and will still show you all kinds of numbers you may not know anything about. This is where cloud hashing comes into play. Renting cloud mining is the easiest ways to going about getting your currency. Now lets put power costs and all aside and say that you can do this with enough efficiency to produce a profit. Either way if you don't. That is the same as investing that coin doing the mining. So regardless you are investing in that particular coin. Even if it boils down to pure time.

I will make this easy for you guys. This guide will contain just a couple links. These links are pretty self explanatory. I will also put a listing above them. This way, you know what you are getting with each one.

(Note: I use the links for traffic purposes. This way I know who my audience is, and makes it easier to present the information that people are looking for when reading this. You are welcome but, at the same time thank you, as these links help fund this operation, as well as others to improve the crypto world and image.)

Best Crypto Exchanges: I only deal with this one and one other. The other exchange I deal with.

Best Free Coin Sites: I'm going to just list these lol.

Best Games to play for free currencies: A actually fun little game. A game that you can do in spare time. Time based game. You mind find this one interesting as well.

Best Investment Opportunities: Hands down my favorite place to invest. Made my my bread and butter. (this is a great place to get a free stock in even ford, gm, or even facebook. Only thing you need to do is link your bank to it and go. Yes it is real, yes it really pays out, and no it is not an opportunity you can pass up.) Couldn't pass up on this one myself. Opportunity like this, knocks only to those who jump to answer the door. Just saying.

This of course will be updated as new information is added.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63540.43
ETH 2481.91
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66