Generic Crypto Speculation News

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)
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Seeing as actual blogging is not working for me on Steemit right now, maybe if I start repeating what all these well-upvoted posts are rehashing (cough) ten times per day, I may just make a dollar.

2018 is going to be a great year for cryptocurrencies!

2018 Looks like a bull market for crypto!

I have absolutely no data to back this up, but hey, fuckit. Who needs data with my Magic 8-Ball on my desk.

Sell your house, sell your daughter. Invest in crypto!

Have I said crypto enough to warrant making $80 on this post yet? Just to make sure: crypto, crypto, crypto.

The fact is, no one can say what is going to happen. If you are investing fiat into tokens, you are taking a risk. Risk is part of life if you want to get ahead and you may just lose it all before July.

All we can do is have faith and hope for the best.

Markety charty crypto generic image




virtual money has taken over the world!?)

Not quite yet, but has definitely made everyone an instant market analyst. It is the way forward and I am behind it all the way. By the way, paper money is actually more virtual than electronic currencies backed by proof of (whatever). "Normal" currencies are debt instruments backed by nothing. It's a system of IOUs passed around. You could have $10 000 in your pocket, but its value is faith-based. Both yourself and say, the shopkeeper, have to believe in its value. It literally is just very expensive paper.

I see you're currently investing all your energy in this tantrum, but I added you on Discord. This is funny, btw. Should've told that guy to step off into some dog doo. Or rather, he was being the poo on shoe. Gotta ignore that shit.

He's only been on here for days and have invested money in buying SP. His first reply was "Interesting article, even if it was copied and pasted" and resteemed it. Of course I took exception to that and asked him to remove that BS from my comments, which he did, but then he actually read the post and posted that "it was obviously not a copy paste because it is pure conjecture and flawed". Then he returned every 30 minutes to take more small dumps on my article. His profile is sad, bar the $500 SP he bought. His business website still has placeholder text from the WordPress template he used. Just behold this spectacle:


If this is the attention to detail you apply to your professional life or anything for that matter, I will not be able to take you seriously...

PS, arguments and flame wars were good fun in 2006. I would've ignored him but I was filled to the brim with toxic masculinity or whatever is wrong with men these days.

He's just shoe poo. You actually have something to say. And, apparently, have somewhat of a defensive line forming beside you, so. We shall take up arms! I guess, or maybe you just need to clean that shoe. I've dealt with people like that all my life. Nothing to contribute but insults and I know better than you because x,y,z. Actually, I was thinking about that last night...the money people on here. It's been irking me. There are genuine people on here and then there's all those trying to earn a buck. Which is fine, I guess. Just some have struck me as especially obnoxious in the blatant nature of their approach. Oh well. He's prolly a nice guy. You know how guys do. If they slap you on the ass that means they like you.

That reminds me of some other characters I've seen on here. "I was a hedge fund manager in 1985. I'm so getting in on this Crypto stuff. Count me in tech bro's." Doesn't know what an Uber is.

I need to play nice. But he was an asshole to you. I agree.

Imagine we could team up and become the super asshole squad. Bringing assholes to their knees by being better at assholing. People start to enjoy our truth-laced vitriol, it goes viral and it starts raining Steem.

Yeah, I like it. 'Cept it's all fun and games till that guy makes a visit to the Build A Whale workshop. Comes back to town with his new toy and destroys our whole whirl. I more prefer the groundhog approach. Every spring I poke my head out the ground and assess that the world's still a bunch of bullshit. Then I go back underground...from whence I produce my truth-laced vitrol. Maybe someone will fly overhead and drop me some food. I see it more like that.

I concur in full. I'm the same. And as you rightly mention, we are super vulnerable. Combined ego and wealth is our kryptonite.

Speaking of something that rhymes with night, shouldn't you be sleeping? Hope you have a good reason, like you're all stimmed up from doing lines of meth off a stripper's ear lobe.

Am vampire. Sometimes I get a little carried away and it turns into daypiring. I don't fuck with strippers. I heard you're just supposed to throw money at them. I wouldn't know. Maybe you could enlighten me.

They should be throwing money at me for the privilege of me even casting a sideways glance at them. When I was younger, I ended up at upmarket clubs every once in a while because of bachelors parties or everyone deciding it will be our next stop on our pub crawl. I think it's been 5 times max.

At one club, a fancy waitron brought me a dinner menu while a Ukrainian butthole was bopping up and down mere inches from my face. Buttholes. Always me and the buttholes.

Not the fuck am I eating under those conditions. Now, just like with casinos, I find these places depressing, where the desperate go to chase a dragon which is always just out of reach. It's also gross to be honest, no matter how hot the girls are.

If you want blue balls, grab a mallet and give them a good whack. Way cheaper.

I've been on a pretty night shift schedule lately. There's reasons. I find night to be a very productive time for me. I just like it when I have the privilege of it. Lately I've had the option.

I have to actively work on keeping a regular day night cycle. I am managing right now, but only because of prescription drugs where one of the side-effects is drowsiness.

I'm a vampire too, my creativity and drive peaks at around 1am if I leave my body to its own devices. And I can get by on 4 hours of sleep per day, but apparently that is not good for you in the long run, so I induce 6 to 7 hours where possible.

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