Is the Gender Divide in the Crypto World Necessary?

in #crypto7 years ago


There was an interesting article yesterday in the New York Times about the gender divide in the crypto world and it's got me thinking.

Apparently the same discrepancies that exist in the developer/digital world are mirrored in the blockchain realm and maybe even more so.

My point of view is that this mostly stems from issues as deep seated as the 1000s of years of socialization that's embedded in all of us to one degree or another. And at the very least women are encouraged less often and sometimes even discouraged from pursuing math, science and tech. But unfortunately there's more to it since there are some - both men and women - who are still resistant to noticing the problem and to making any changes to the status quo. BUT - and this is a big but - at this point in time, the male dominated crypto world can take steps that would make a difference and the good news is that it’s easy!

Below are a few examples from the article of the kind of blatant disrespect that keeps the gender divide alive and would be easy to remedy.

The gender imbalance was also on display at last month’s North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, which was organized by a prominent investor, Moe Levin. Mr. Levin originally slated 86 men and one woman as speakers. After complaints, he replaced two of the men with women to achieve what he thought should be enough: 84 men onstage and three women.

Really, is it so hard to find any other competent female speakers?

The year before, the conference’s kickoff party featured underwear-clad models — painted gold and covered in Bitcoin logos.

And it’s a no-brainer to choose to be respectful rather than to continue the 5000 year trend of objectifying women - which undermines them - for the entertainment of men. I'll note that this entertainment would have had a completely different tone if there were both men and women featured in this sparkly parade!

“Moe does something just as sexist every year,” said Rose Chan, who founded the World Bank’s blockchain working group and now runs her own cryptocurrency project. “He switches it up, which actually means that he thinks about it.”

Such a blatant lack of consideration makes my heart sink and my stomach turn:

“North American Bitcoin Conference in January, which highlighted 84 male speakers and three women, the official conference party was held at a Miami strip club.”


Images courtesy of pixabay

On a more personal note, one of my first thoughts when reading this article is how lucky I am to have been brought on to Steemit so early on when I now see how unlikely this was as a women and one who wasn't interested in the digital world. And how grateful I am for all of the truly generous and inclusive men I know here on steemit! So many have helped me feel less intimidated with the digital world and done so with great generosity.

Here I am 20 months later, a mostly empowered trader who can speak intelligently about the blockchain and its implications and even teach novices how to navigate the system and approach trading.

I want to give a call out to a few of these Mensch in particular:

@world-travel-pro who has tirelessly answered my endless questions about finances and money management.

@nickh725 who has given me so much helpful advice about how to assess a coin and an ICO and how to decide whether to invest or not.

@steemed who spent literally hours walking me through getting my SBD from my Steemit wallet to USDollars in my bank account and has offered solid unwavering support for my work.

And these men never once succumbed to making feel less because of what I didn't know. Not even for one single moment. They were kind, clear, and helpful.

I also want to acknowledge people like @ericvancewalton @bluelightbandit @voronoi @hansikhouse @cryptogee @macksby @paolobeneforti who I’ve witnessed specifically speaking up in respect and in support of women. The truth is that it takes very little to offer support and to treat someone with regard but it can make a huge difference!

I know many men and women who jump at the chance to help others and who understand that when we give each otehr a hand, we all rise.

And thankfully these people are out in the world moving and shaking as well:

”Some crypto leaders are now organizing events, clubs and conferences to attract women to the industry. Ms. Bonatsos spoke at one such event this month in San Francisco. And Jalak Jobanputra, founder of the start-up investment firm Future Perfect Ventures, and other blockchain developers gathered in New York this month to discuss the issue. They later announced that they would form a blockchain diversity advocacy group called the Collective Future and create a diversity pledge for crypto companies to sign as a show of commitment.”

I want to reach out to you - men on steemit, women on steemit, there’s much we can do to change this unnecessary power differential and it takes so little.

“We have an opportunity to rebuild the financial systems,” Ms. Morin said. “Women want to be part of that.”

Keep in mind that if you don’t see enough women, it's not because we don't want to be involved. Whenever and wherever you can take those little steps and make thoughtful choices. It means that when you have a project for which you want to gather a group, consider whether a woman or 2 you know might also be a good candidate. It means that when you choose a venue, entertainment, the ways you reach out to invite people, do so with respect and with an eye on inclusivity.

Thank you for supporting my blog which is mostly about art, ceramics and the goings-on in my studio and at times I also delve into the nature of being human.



I really liked the points you brought up here Ruth! There are several females pulling to the front of the blockchain sector now. Naomi Brockwell (@skycorridors) is one of them. I see a new equality coming to this sector with so many smart women entering the space.

thanks for your support as well as naming Naomi @ericvancewalton, we can all keep our eye on her! and yes I agree, things are and will change!

As you already know, I love the article - well, the way you write is always cool anyway.
I don't wanna get into gender issues though [I'm done with my Master's, no more gender studies please ahahaha!!!], but to comment a little bit... a. I do believe there weren't any female speakers...I mean, it's possible.
But b. ..... 'official conference' party at a strip club? Lame... [and shame - it rhymes too :P ]
Oh @voronoi... the questions he heard.... ahahaha !! But not about crypto, mostly about @sndbox, specifically!
My only guide in all related matters for 9 months now is @creutzy - I give him that ;)

There ARE far less women in the digital world no doubt and that in itself isn't a problem, what IS a problem is that the organizing committee had to be reminded to include women AND they did find some so clearly there were women who could have been invited from the beginning and I'm guessing there were probably a few more too that still weren't included.

I too often speak to the 2 closest men in my life to run issues of gender by them and get their take. We all learn so much from each other!

I am very interested in this issue as well and I share your experience so far of feeling supported and welcomed in a very generous way but men here at Steemit . I am experiencing a lot of unlearning because in my real life world , any time I have gotten into vocal or leadership positions of any kind I get shot down and lots of challenges thrown my way by others, even when my skills match that of the men in the same role. I am very conditioned to feel guarded and careful about stepping up for this reason. But each time I have tried to share my voice here, men and women alike have been supportive. When I have felt unsure or confused, plenty of men have let me know they believe in me here. it is not perfect here at Steemit because sometimes I have heard of some forms of exclusionary behavior but it is a lot better.

I really like what you chose to do with this post. I like that you highlighted men who treated you with equality and respect , and shared a little but how they did so and how it helped you. I think that is a helpful way to keep that kind of respect flowing.

Hello @dflo, thanks for your honest comment here, I really appreciate it! I really understand and I think so many of us have had similar difficult experiences -

in my real life world , any time I have gotten into vocal or leadership positions of any kind I get shot down and lots of challenges thrown my way by others, even when my skills match that of the men in the same role

I'm sorry this has happened to you and to all of us! All the ways we are made to feel less valued add up a lot and can be very difficult to overcome.

I agree that steemit can be and often is incredibly supportive but also echo your thoughts that there is definitely lots and lots of room for improvement here!! There is some pretty awful crap too.

I hope that you continue to have good experiences and that more unlearning happens :-), you can count on my honest support!

I really liked the strong women of the early tech industry portrayed in AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire and the narrative about the company Donna and Cameron built together.

🌿Hi @natureofbeing ,🌿

I clearly the widening gender gap in this industry. I'm working in film and I could connect very well with the statement in the NyTimes article of slowly being worn down.
You just run against the walls of sexism and being excluded for no reason except your gender, so often, that you can't see anymore, why you were working in this field in the first place.
You loose the joy and this feeling of achievement never arrives in your brain.

In film we also have the same horrible situation about investment. Last year there was NO film funded by the German National Film Fund that is directed by a woman. It's such an endless cycle.
Furthermore, there is this illusion of progess (and I believe this is also very true for the Crypto-World) - the illusion of things becoming better / that we are on the road to more equality. But this is simply FALSE. At least in tech and film.

Thank you very much for sharing this article and your thoughts, @natureofbeing !


I'm so sorry to hear this @elenahornfilm and yet completely am not surprised because as you say, we've all experienced it and are so tired of it!!

On a more hopeful note I will say that as a creative here on steemit, you CAN fun your projects and I would love to see you be able to! I know a film is a giant undertaking needing a giant budget but miracles have happened! I will look at your blog to see if you have any trailers or examples of your filmmaking.

It makes me angry to hear that the female characters in this crop of German movies will likely be written by men and inevitably directed by them. :(
This is such a big part of the problem: men are in charge of the narrative about women and female directors have to compromise so much to get movies done that their voices end up distorted.

I don't know what to say right now but you are exceptional for saying this out loud @nature of being.
Most witnesses are men, the top whales are men and the more reason is that even though we know what women are already disenfranchised, most times when there's any role to fill, they look down on the woman because of Gender Discrimination.

This has to change, the disenfranchised/victimized people have to be affirmative action.


Hi @seunnla , you're absolutely right! Glad I found you here on this article of @natureofbeing . Following you now!

@elenahornfilm , a fellow proud feminist

It really is time for change isn't it! I know that things are slowly shifting but we're all ready for a daily life in which we aren't faced with being undervalued and disrespected. Thanks for your comment!

Thanks for this post, I have never thought about the gender divide in Crypto world, but it was interesting to learn it. In my opinion I believe that if there are good specialist no matter what gender they have to be promoted especially when it reflects the intelligence and does not require man's power like fire fighter, policemen and for example military, where I would say it is heavy job for female and I would prefer to see male. But I am glad to know that you have had so much support and I do think we need to encourage both gender but in general we have to encourage our young generation and to support them, ado you agree with me?

yes I agree!
I think that jobs don't have to be equally filled by both genders and I also value the differences in men and women and don't expect us all to be the same. BUT we need to have equal consideration and value in our society professionally and socially! And the problem is that we have thousands of years of living in a patriarchal society that inherently values women a lot less. Yes things are getting better by many measures but both women and men have to team up to create equal opportunity and not to specifically demean nor exclude either sex from any field. It's going to take a long time to undo our internalized sexism as a society and in the meantime making sure that these kinds of mistakes mentioned in the article don't happen is very important. Thanks for your comment and support @stef1!

I think this is such a fabulous article. The gender gap on steemit is real---and pretty obvious when checking the whale accounts. I’ve found incredibly supportive men + women who are helping to even the playing field, tho, for sure.

After a month on steemit with no real crypto-knowledge, I’m definitely looking to gain more and absorbing info like a sponge. It’s awesome to know that there are women like you out here making profits and doing it successfully!

The feeling is mutual @lilyraabe!!

I would like to say as a male I am proud to have brought over a couple of ladies from YouTube that have turned into awesome Steemers. They are finding their way here and if anyone would like to check out their work: @debralee is a sweet soul that writes very touching posts. Also @prydefoltz is an awesome poet with a great sense of humor.

That's awesome @old-guy-photos and thanks for listing them so we can take a look! Thanks for your support, it means a lot :-)

I didn't want it to seem spammy, but I thought someone may be interested.

BTW I don't know if you use Ginabot, but it works well, is free, and just notified me that you mentioned me :)

You read my mind!! Seriously I've been thinking all week that I need to ask someone how to find out when I'm tagged. Amazing, I love when that happens. Thanks so much I'll look into it and as long as I don't have to give up my key I'll use it.

Very cool! I love when that happens lol.

No keys needed! Here is a very plain and easy step by step guide. You can easily customize Ginabot to work just as you need. If you need any help, feel free to ask me coz I just set mine up a couple of days ago.

Yay, I'm so grateful, THANK YOU!!!

If you know of any knowledgeable women sharing their insight on crypto on YouTube please let me know. I watch 4 youtubers, all of them are men. I have no problem watching a woman but I’ve only actually seen two and they weren’t very helpful in comparison. Go out and speak more and be the change, it sounds like you can!

Great point @whatamidoing, and I don't watch crypto on youtube but will start asking around and keeping my eyes open for women - and will share any finds with you!

I came across @kellug the other day, and she may be a source of some good articles since her passion is tech, here is her intro post:

Thanks, I will check her out!

Yes! An important piece you've written here @natureofbeing <3

Things were supposed to change with the 'new era'. Where professions like doctors / lawyers were always dominated by men because of our male-dominated history, tech should have been the first industry that was built from the ground up, with no real reason to assume 'men' where the ones to fill these jobs, and therefore should become more or less a meritocracy. It didn't happen, and that's really unfortunate :-)

We all become stronger, more inclusive, and happier in the end if we can work together instead of one group pushing the other away.

Let's all try to prove on Steemit and in crypto we can have an equal society ;-)

you are right @soyrosa, and while the "new era" did bring change, we still have a lot of distance to go,

And YES, cheers to this!!

We all become stronger, more inclusive, and happier in the end if we can work together instead of one group pushing the other away.

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