Swap 260+ Coins With LetsExchange Right in Your Trustee Wallet
Our mission at LetsExchange is to make instant crypto swaps easily accessible from anywhere in the world, through numerous platforms and applications used by crypto enthusiasts every day. Our recent integration with Trustee Wallet adds to this effort and enables you to swap over 260 coins and tokens on this popular mobile app.
Trustee is a multicurrency mobile wallet that allows for crypto swaps through its built-in exchange. Through the integration with LetsExchange, Trustee Wallet has more than doubled its previous offer of 120 supported cryptocurrencies. This mobile app is free to download for iOS and Android devices.
How It Works
Swapping crypto through LetsExchange in your Trustee Wallet is easy and doesn’t require registration and verification.
Just go to the Swap tab in your wallet
Choose a crypto pair and enter the amount to swap
Select LetsExchange among available offers
Proceed to exchange as usual
The LetsExchange Instant Crypto Swap Ecosystem
Through integration with crypto wallets, exchange aggregators, and other platforms, LetsExchange is building a global ecosystem for effortless and limitless cryptocurrency swaps. Aside from Trustee Wallet, you can also swap crypto through LetsExchange on such platforms as SwapSpace, SwapZone, AlligatOr, and others. More integrations are coming soon, including collaboration with some of the biggest players in the crypto market. Stay tuned for big news!
Why Partner Up With LetsExchange?
LetsExchange offers blockchain and crypto platforms an easy and efficient way to integrate fast, reliable, and secure crypto-to-crypto swaps augmented by the following benefits:
No registration or KYC checks
Over 260 (and counting) supported cryptocurrencies
Fixed and floating rates
Non-custodial service
Best exchange rates aggregated from the world’s leading exchanges
24/7 customer support
If you are interested in generating a new revenue stream and boosting your user acquisition, engagement, and retention, just send a message to [email protected], and let’s partner up!