Simple BASH Script to Monitor Cryptos
With the Crypto Price Lookup API and the JSON jq tool, we can make a simple bash script to query crypto prices such as bitcoins, TRON, steem:
# filename: ticker
check_json=$(echo "{ }" | jq)
if [ "$check_json" != "{}" ]; then
echo "jq not installed"
exit 1
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "e.g. ./$0 steem usd"
curl -s -X POST -d "$*" $API | jq .result[0]
Example usages:
$ ./ticker btc
"1 BTC = 15657.051999999998 USD"
$ ./ticker eth
"1 ETH = 1107.6736666666666 USD"
$ ./ticker btc gbp
"1 btc = 13765.275 gbp"
$ ./ticker 2 btc eur
"2 btc = 31593.86 eur"
$ ./ticker 2 btc eth
"2 btc = 28.362718608445565 eth"
$ ./ticker btc 2 eth
"0.141076979417348 btc = 2 eth"
The BASH sends a simple API request and parse the JSON response via the jq which will need to be installed via apt install jq.
We can monitor a command by using the watch command (parameter -n gives the interval to run the command), and we have the following tailored script so that we can query multiple coins re multiple fiat currencies at the same time:
# filename: coin
check_json=$(echo "{ }" | jq)
if [ "$check_json" != "{}" ]; then
echo "jq not installed"
exit 1
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "e.g $0 btc"
exit 2
for i in $*; do
for j in USD GBP EUR CNY; do
ticker=$(curl -s -X POST -d "$i $j" $API | jq .result[0] | awk '{printf "%.3f", $4;}')
echo "1 $i = $ticker $j"
echo -------------------------
Example usage:
# every 60 seconds $ watch -n 60 ./coin BTC ETH STEEM TRX
Note that the Cryptos are volatile and do know how to manage your risks!
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