IEO´s The New ICO´s
According to the analytical resource TokenData:
"In the first quarter of 2019, ICO´s projects attracted $ 118 million, 58 times less than last year, when the figure was $ 6.9 billion."
"By surprise, and in contrast to the expectations, the sale of tokens returned. Having changed the abbreviation to IEO and based on the exchanges. These being the key partners of the promoter company and the person in charge of guaranteeing the process."

What is special about IEO?
With this process all the parties benefit:
For stock exchanges: attract new users, be the first to list new currencies, an increase in commercial activity and, consequently, the income of commercial commissions.
For developers: tokens are guaranteed to be listed on the stock exchange.
For investors: since many of them once invested in ICO´s projects without waiting for the appearance of tokens in the exchange.
When the haste for ICO´s decreased, the blockchain projects increasingly resorted to so-called adjustable tokensales: security token offers (STO) and other currency distribution options available mainly to wealthy (accredited) investors. IEO is available to a wide range of market participants, who only need to be verified and acquire a certain number of native exchange tokens.
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There were many disappointments.
However, the sale was a success.
There were complaints. According to the opinions of certain users, most of the buyers were bots.
OKEx (Refining the Process - Evolution)

Features of the JumpStart subscription mechanism of OKEx.
- The token subscription is open only for 30 minutes, or until the established application limit is reached. The latter is installed in front of each IEO, as well as the amount of project coins available for purchase.
- In the next step, the system assigns the distribution coefficients directly to the amount of OKB token that the IEO participants have. After completing the allocation calculation, the tokens are credited to the user accounts. At the same time, the corresponding number of OKB tokens is automatically deducted.
To participate in IEO, the user must have at least 500 OKB during the seven days prior to the tokensale subscription.
The first bittrex tokensale in IEO format would be held on March 15, 2019, but it had to be canceled because the Exchange authorities doubted the good faith of the project. It turned out that the Singapore company that issued the RAID tokens is ONERAID PTE. LTD - is not in the official registry of legal entities of the Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
Overcome this problem, Bittrex announced the VeriBlock IEO project. On April 2, the crowdsale lasted only 10 seconds.VeriBlock, whose main network was launched on March 25, allows other cryptocurrency networks to use the Bitcoin blockchain to counter "51% attacks". VeriBlock is based on the Proof-of-Proof consensus algorithm.Again according to the opinion of the users the tokens were bought by bots.
An opinion was also expressed on the need to rethink the approach to carry out the IEO.
Financial Paradox Without Loss - Crypto Market Stimulation It should be noted that the market has revived considerably with the advent of the first IEO. This is due to the fact that to buy the appreciated chips, native exchange currencies are needed, which must also be purchased. Therefore, the new money is poured into the market.
As we could see, the dissatisfaction of the users has been a common factor in all the IEO carried out so far.Measures should be taken to regulate these IEOs and democratize access to the purchase of shares.The main negative aspect that can tarnish the image of this new negotiation alternative is precisely the massive complaints of users who can not access.Intelligent controls must also be established. Well-developed codes that serve as a kind of firewall for scripts. The bots saturate the demand and prevent the "real users" from acquiring the shares in these crowdsales. Apparently, in parallel with IEO, there is a market for the bots that allow you to buy offers of tokens in a matter of seconds. After all, it is unlikely that all "live" market participants can acquire tokens in just a few seconds.If IEO sales are not regulated on time, in order to favor better distribution of the tokens and democratize the acquisition opportunity, we will be seeing the imminent death of the IEOs and their HYIP.
Hopefully, the HIGH PERFORMANCE INVESTMENT MARKET of the IEOs will not be as fleeting as the ICO's, but the IEO model is not free of defects.There is no guarantee that regulators will not participate in this area in the near future as investors risk their own money by participating in IEO. Because many crowdsales have not occurred, it is not possible to objectively compare different platforms with each other. There is also great legal uncertainty inherent in this area.
It is also possible that even the growth of the entire cryptocurrency market will also slow down with the first deep reductions in the prices of the new tokens and the decrease in the activity of the IEO, as it happened during the boom of the ICO´s in 2017 - early 2018. The emotion turned out to be fleeting, because in this area there were many FALSE projects that turned out to be ordinary scams.
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We are in an early phase of emerging fintech tools, through time they will be further consolidated. Always safer to go with our mind than our heart. IEOs will definitely require more evaluation by market experts to be considered useful.
Totally true.
We can not turn around to shout the news that The Messiah has arrived.
We would be making the same mistake as with the ICO's. The perhaps excessive support in its early phase did not give the opportunity to assess its weaknesses. But since evil minds do not rest, they did see the "loose brick" on the wall.
When we managed to reassess the situation, we already had thousands of people cheated and a stain on the Blockchain image that has not yet been removed.
So basically this is a more secure version of an iCo? I like the idea of this. As always anyone looking to invest in anything should do their own research first of course. Very well written article.
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Regards dear @cryptoquandary.
The security lies in the renown of the Exchanges.
They will not risk their reputation in any project that will disappoint their investors.
Thanks for comment.
One line stood out in your post above all others:
"On April 2, the crowdsale lasted only 10 seconds."
The message for me is: Crypto markets are alive and kicking.
Liked Voted and Resteemed
Hi friend @sarez.
To paraphrase Dr. Frankenstein:
Oh yeah! The creature is LIVE!
Thanks for comment dear friend.
Hi @Sarez Sir,
This is an indicator for development of the Crypto market in the upward direction.
Good informative post. No matter what is sold to make it attractive or popular (to the common) people tricks will be used.
Is regulation needed and who will watch, control this? As long as the (national) bank are the biggest criminals I have less faith in it.
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Hello dear @wakeupkitty.
It will definitely be like this. Above all because it is an innovative process of very recent creation, it will have flaws in the system that will be exploited by criminals.
I hope that national governments never find a way to get their hands on the Exchange and blockchain processes. This would end financial freedom, which in my opinion is the greatest added value that cryptography has.
Thanks for coming.
very good post .
My taught about IEO is now clear .
last two IEO celr and fet looks like fail ieo i lost my money .
regulation should be needed in this area so people not lose their money .
thanks @juanmolina
I'm sorry to hear you lost money.
IEO's is a new concept. For this reason, all processes have not yet been refined.
Dear @juanmolina
Thanks for the memo and this article regarding IEOs is very informative and the details are explained very extensively as like your other ones.
“….then to increase the speed of transactions and be the first to acquire the prized tokens They established high gas limits. Bringing as a consequence the so-called "gas wars".
To be more appropriate, I see a lot of disadvantages and the above is one among them. By establishing high gas limits, those who pay more will get more and vice versa, oh sorry, I cannot even say vice versa because those who pay less will have nothing because they will get not less but a few crumbs, which I must say is very partial.
Your reply to Pete made me feel upset.
“So the more money you have, the more bots you can pay and the more tokens you can acquire. Then those who have less resources will keep the crumbs.”
Your reply to Chekohler is like adding salt to the injury and far more worse than the earlier one.
“ These sales are scheduled. They are within the exchanges and only members can participate.
It is like the "chronicle of an announced death".
That is, when we see that the sale of millions of shares occurs in 10 seconds, we can only think that the cake had already been distributed and as you say: only crumbs for the assholes.”
If at all these partial activities are excluded and if all are able to participate and get the shares without being taken by the bots, maybe then this IEO can be an alternative to ICO or else it is of no use even with the better security features.
hello @juanmolina
your article, very well explained.
Particularly I came to steemit after dedicating myself to trading for a few months, looking for options to help me financially in our country, then reading about the altcoin I found steem, and I'm still here.
The cryptocurrencies do not generally enjoy a legal framework that supports them, that I think is the main feature that makes them little showy for many investors. The use of bots for purchases in the ico, in the IEO, etc, is an evil that affects us all, bots are being used in all areas of life, increasingly, supplanting the workforce of the human being to a large degree.
The total confidence in this sector of cryptocurrencies is more and more up to date, but there is still a way to go.
Excellent post
I agree with you. The road to travel is much greater than the one already traveled.
Are you very interested in crypto, friend?
I see that you are from Colombia but you have publications that address the problem of Venezuela.
Thanks for comment dear @josevas217.
Hello friend Juan. I am Venezuelan, Venezuelan. Maracay state Aragua. I graduated from the University of Carabobo, only that I decided to leave Venezuela about 8 months ago.
Also, my mom and dad are still there, my grandmother. and through them I know that things are much worse than they were when I decided to leave. Due to my profession, I am a nurse and a doctor, I work for the state and I know the corruption that exists.
I'm interested in cryptocurrencies, a lot. If I could generate more income from them, for me it would be great. Some time ago I dedicated myself to trading, but you have to dedicate study time, h. or is that what I have left over, hehehe but yes, I have a lot of faith in cryptocurrencies.
Y ya en español, en venezolano, gracias mí pana @juanmolina por este post... es bueno informar al respecto.
Steemit y las criptomonedas en general han ayudado mucho a gran parte de la Población venezolana. A muchos.
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Claro que sí mi pana.
Mantente cerca de acá. Estamos conformando un equipo. Actualmente estamos en fase de proyecto. Pero si te mantienes en contacto, podremos saber de ti mas adelante.
Te hablo del Project Hope. #ph-venezuela.
Saludos hermano @josevas217.
Estaré súper pendiente
Cualquier cosa. Me interesa. Revisaré a ver de qué se trata.
Ayudarnos es necesario, estando afuera o dentro. Lo importante es apoyar. Vale.
Tienes telegram? El mío josevas217
O correo? El mío [email protected]
Te podría enviar para contactarnos por WhatsApp también. No hay problema.
Posted using Partiko Android
te escrbí por Telegram amigo.
And the next big thing can be the STOs as the most convenient way to invest for the smart money capitalists.
STO, is very well weighted among potential investors.
Hi, my dear @juanmolina.
I hadn't heard about the IEOs either.
I like the idea that new projects are already within an exchange, which gives me some confidence that they are real projects and not scams. However, the fact that the robots are the ones who take advantage of the initial sale, gives me a lot of suspicions. It could be a new form of scam or it could also be a way to take advantage of the initial offer of the tokens. I suppose time will tell the truth.
Very good post partner!
It sounds like money laundering to me.
@juanmolina... You've done a very great job to come up with such an extraordinary post about IEOs... I am actually hearing about this for the first time though.
From what you stated, does this means that IEO can only be carried out by exchange platforms alone such that non exchange crypto related project can't take part in it?
Thanks or comment dear @hardaeborla.
It consists precisely in a cryptographic release. But the person in charge of managing the whole crowdsale is the Exchange itself.
They use your name and your track record as a guarantee that it will not be a scam. And also this guarantees that the new token will already be included in the exchange list.