It's a dangerous world out there...

in #crypto6 years ago

Make sure to be careful out there folks!

Another day, another story about a crypto related kidnapping...

Scrolling through my crypto news feed this morning, I couldn't help but notice another story about someone who has been kidnapped, likely related to their cryptocurrency holdings.

That story can be seen here:

Just one of many...

The story above comes on the heels of a story a few weeks ago about a bitcoin trader being tortured with a drill in front of his daughter in order to steal his bitcoin holdings.

More on that story can be found here:

These are just 2 recent stories in a long line of related stories that have been dropping every couple of weeks ever since bitcoin first started really gaining in value back in late 2016.

This is a major issue in the crypto space and one where no clear solution exists currently.


This also somewhat pertains to steemit and steem as well.

If steem ever goes up in value again, there could be some users on here sitting on very large sums of USD wealth.

And, it is visible to all.

Does anyone know if, when the wallets are separated out from, there will be a way to not show wallet balances?

Or if that is not option, at least not show the name attached to it?

This is potentially a very serious issue and could theoretically put a target on the backs of some of the larger holders on this platform.

It's not all bad news as it relates to steem...

The good news in this as it relates to steem is that if you have your steem powered up, it is very difficult to steal.

If someone were to steal your master/owner passwords there is still an account reset/recovery that can be done via steemit,inc.

So, the danger is not nearly as high here as it is with some other coins, but never the less, there is still an issue.

Hopefully this is something that can find a solution for in the near future.

Stay informed my friends.

Image Source:



from the beginning when I joined Steemit I had a not such a good feeling everyone can see my wallet.
Who shows his bank account in real life?
Transparency is one thing, but the own safety is for sure more important.
There are not only these real bad guys who try to rob you, it's also about the jealousy of other users.
There should be a new discussion about.
Have a nice day

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep I agree. Transparency is nice but not at the expense of safety.

Agreed with you both, @zanoni and @jrcornel.

While there are advantages to transparency, the total transparency that we find ourselves experiencing on Steemit with such public wallets would certainly be a concern to me if I were a whale and the value of Steem went up significantly.

Still, I’m sure the community will continue to adapt and provide solutions to improve the experience (and hopefully security) for all.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hopefully. It has been 3 years now and nothing has been done or proposed thus far...

Hope I don’t get kidnapped for my .6 Bitcoin 😂

Well now they know what you own! In all seriousness though, if bitcoin goes to $1 million like some think, that .6 bitcoin may have significant value...

I will be long gone from this Earth before that happens 😬

Not if McAfee or a couple other prognosticators are remotely right.

This is why I always say it's better not to tell people how much crypto you hold.

Yep, I think many are learning that. Showing steem wallet balances doesn't exactly help things lol.

I live in a neighborhood where no-one opens a door, except when going in or out themselves... I always keep a legal weapon with me when at home, but so far i haven't had need to carry it outdoors on regular basis.

Depending on where you live, probably a good idea.

First they did shutdown post office, because it was deemed unnecessary cost, then they did shutdown police station, because it was deemed unnecessary cost... Luckily we still have fire station but even they couldn't save local pizzeria that was 700 metres from it, on the same road where I live.

Yikes... perhaps it is time to move!

I've always said I will move far away from here when my grandfather dies... He's 94 years old now and still kicking hard...

Perhaps if crypto takes off again the options of where to go will widen as well.

I had a good plan on HitBTC, but they ended up suspending trading on the interesting coins... mainly because they use same servers as MinerGate and it is just plain evil... Now I just wait for my long-term trades on Bittrex...

Can you trade steem there?

What I have heard many large users do here is setup an account and only backup those keys offline and only login once to delegate to their main account. I also saw a bounty completed for a Multi Signature wallet here as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That doesn't help much since users could still see where those delegations came from to get an idea of their total stake...

For some reason when you started talking I suddenly got the idea for a real life crypto game where you try to kidnap eachother's stuffed animals to earn crypto. I know...weird...

Perhaps Steem could be patched in a way to hide one's balance. Or you could simply hold the majority of your balance in another account. Large stake holders could also split their SP among bots that auto-vote them and their friends.

I personally am not really a huge fan of how bitcoin keeps everything out in the open. I think when large scale adoption comes, perhaps there might be more of a push for more privacy oriented coins. And perhaps there will be forks to go more privacy centric.

I certainly don't like the idea of crypto kidnapping being on the rise when so many idiots on here were trying to get everyone to show proof they were real people, and they were in turn dumb enough to give out WAY too much info about themselves online. Giving out your first name and showing your face is one thing...but we don't need to know your full name. We don't need to know your family member's full names. We don't need to know enough to steal your identity. In a few years, if some of those people's accounts are worth a lot, they'll possibly be easy targets. Even if they're not, someone in dire straights might just try. Hopefully they remember their keys and nothing horrible happens because they lost them.

Yep, completely agree. I see that going on with some other "social" crypto platforms where they are encouraging users to verify their identity while their wallets are visible. Terrible terrible idea...

Safety First

@splatz worthy

Crazy motherF*****S. People are freaking psychotic when it comes to money (an imaginary value made of paper or electronic #).

Yep, pretty awful the things they are willing to do to people for it...

Slackin’ a bit. Sorry my operator has issues!! Someone save me from this maniac.

Hey @jrcornel, Your post has been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
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If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

Cool, thanks.

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