Iagon ICO Review: A One-stop Solution For Decentralized Cloud-based Services

in #crypto6 years ago

IAGON is a new company that claims to revolutionize the cloud computing system. They developed a supercomputer with global communication properties, which works with an authentic AI that works on blocking technology.
Apparently, the project works through a complex integration that goes through all the smart devices, ultimately creating a seamless experience that effectively meets the needs of users.

The IAGON platform is equipped with an artificial intelligence that will connect users and services through a decentralized application. It is said that it uses easily understandable and manageable functions. They allow you to easily integrate the functionality of the software into all available intelligent devices. And no matter if you are a simple user or a full-scale organization, the platform is designed to work for you.
They claim that they are the next destructive innovation, with registered miners who work with a limited number of positions. This is a secure cloud platform that is used to develop a single solution for decentralized cloud services.

Iagon: monetizing processing power through the blockchain

It is an inescapable fact that more data requires additional processing power.

Currently, the world’s processing capabilities are finite. This restricts change and evolution. Iagon proposes a global, decentralized, cloud-enabled storage and processing grid powered by blockchain technology. This solution will cater for the steadily rising demand for storage and computational power, by taking advantage of unused capacity in servers and personal computers worldwide.

Introducing IAGON Video

IAGON aim at providing its users and miners complete fexibility and freedom of choice in providing and
consuming decentralized cloud services. Hence, IAGON will provide a multiple Blockchain solution.
running its cloud storage and processing operations both on the Ethereum Blockchain and on Tangle.
Users and miners can choose either Ethereum or Tangle to fully securely store their fles, to process
computational tasks, to pay and to receive IAGON tokens for cloud services , and primarily to beneft
from huge advantages in gaining access to the market’s prominent and state-of-the-art technologies.

The increasing demand for processing power is evident for example by the growing sales of NVIDIA systems for
Machine Learning and Deep Learning operations , as well as other advanced operations of Artifcial Intelligence
that require vast volumes of computing and processing capabilities . The technology domain of AI based
innovations that require large capacities of processing power (mostly supplied by batteries of servers with large
amount of CPUs and GPUs ) include face recognition , video processing , voice analysis , text analysis, pattern
recognition in Big Data databases and digital document repositories , autonomous cars, IoT based decision
support systems and many more. AI technologies and applications are expected to exponentially grow over the
next years , thereby increasing the demand for processing power to support both research and their day-to-day

IAGON’s Smart Computing Grid is equivalent to any other power grid (such as solar production of electricity):
• It connects multiple producers to customers
• Smart Computing Grid fulfls the demand for the necessary resource
• It transfers unused resources to customers in need (CPU and GPU processing power and
storage space), and
• It benefts the miners providing processing power and storage space to the grid without
requiring efforts when their servers and computers are not used by them.
The Smart Computing Grid is based on advanced Artifcial Intelligence components that include more than 100
Machine Learning algorithms , methods and techniques that integrate to form our AI-Tracker system. AI-Tracker
is the “brain ” behind IAGON ’s Smart Computing Grid . It optimally allocates encrypted fle slices to the miners ’
free storage spaces and computational tasks to the miners ’ free (idle) CPUs and GPUs that compose the Smart
Computing Grid.
AI-Tracker is a dynamically learning system that continuously analyzes past and current data streams that
refect the availability of storage space and processing capacities of miners. AI- Tracker carries out the tasks of
optimally allocating and transmitting encrypted fle slices to designated storage spaces, allocation for
processing tasks for rapid , optimal performance of the grid and identifcation of rogue nodes that should be
blocked and removed from the grid and continuously fne tuning the grid ’s attributes to optimize its
performance at any time.
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IAGON intends to bring decentralization into mainstream businesses and consumer markets. In order to
achieve this, IAGON was designed and built to integrate seamlessly into existing IT infrastructure without
the need for expensive resources to deploy.

IAGON can work with both SQL and NoSQL database structures
that are commonly used today without the need for expensive migration processes or specialized resources
to implement and deploy. IAGON provides a security layer because it identifes specifc digital fngerprints
associated with the request going through the server to identify if a request is an honest node.

IAGON in a private and public Blockchain network. It serves as a layer
to allow data to be securely stored within both private and public blockchains. Using machine learning
algorithms and encryption/decryption protocols, IAGON is able to provide a secure method in storing
data across platforms.

The architecture of IAGON ’s Open Source platform can be broken down into three unique sections. The
sections are the machine learning algorithm , the Blockchain and miners , and the encryption/decryption
protocol . When a request is sent to IAGON, the machine learning algorithm sends blocks of data over to the
miners to process and fnd for matching signatures . These blocks of data are then sent back to be validated
over the blockchain along with an output which the machine learning algorithm will use to identify a node.
It will be impossible to identify a node without processing the data in multiple blocks and to identify
a correlation thus this provides a level of anonymity and privacy to the users utilizing IAGON’s platform.
Individual miners will not beable to identify a certain request or node unless they have access to enough blocks .
Blocks are distributed evenly to miners by utilizing proof of variance and does not store any
of the data within their local systems . This allows data to be process anonymously
without being able to identify any single node individually except through the machine learning
a l g o r i t h m . I n a d d i t i o n, M i n e r s a r e i n c e n t i v i z e d to p r o c e ss t h e d a t a q u i c k l y to e a r n
rewards , as such it would not be ideal for miners to actually spend time , energy and money to try to store or
process the data.
The Blockchain allows data to be broken down into blocks and sent across nodes. The hashing algorithm
utilizes SHA 256 and hashes each block with its previous hash to create a chain . When data is received
back from an individual node, the data output will be matched against the hash of its corresponding block
and validated against its header to determine if the output data is valid. This way of processing provides a
unique method towards distributed processing as it provides a layer of integrity to the data being
processed and to determine if the output has been tempered in any way. In the event any of the miners
have manipulated the data in anyway, the returning block will be rejected and the block will be sent over
to a different node to be reprocessed . Miners receive incentives based upon the number of processes
they perform – in simple speak, the more data they process the bigger the incentives.
The encryption and decryption protocol allows for secure storage of data within any external or internal
platforms. This provides a unique approach towards decentralization as any external platform with an API
can simply be integrated to IAGON’s platform to utilize its services. What makes IAGON unique is the fact that
IAGON is able to integrate seamlessly with current database architecture including SQL, NoSQL, Big data
databases, private Blockchain, hyperledger, or any public Blockchain or decentralized network.


IAGON leverages the Blockchain technology to maintain honesty of nodes across IAGON distributed data
mining algorithm. The Blockchain uses SHA256 algorithm of previous blocks to maintain a chain link to its
historical state (in this case data).This allows IAGON to incentivize miners on its platform to process data
honestly and to guard against deliberate manipulation of the data output. Using the Blockchain, IAGON ’s
machine learning algorithm can quickly identify if a data output mined from a block is actually a valid part of
the block. This can be achieve within the framework of a simple Blockchain similar to that used by «Bitcoin» by
hashing the inputs with the hash of the previous block. Genesis block are created internally within the
private blockchain. The Blockchain presents a unique approach towards sharing data across a
decentralized network. The data can be stored, processed and validated by a network of nodes or it can be
stored and validated within an internal facility where the processing is outsourced to a decentralized
network of nodes . The Blockchain allows consistency to be maintained throughout the entire data structure.
One of the major reason the Blockchain is maintained privately is to compete with big data databases in
the market in terms of volume , variety and velocity . A private Blockchain allows for the research,
development and facility cost to be borne by IAGON’s team with input from various stakeholders as oppose
to getting multiple parties to reach a large enough consensus before making big development changes to
improve the system . In order to keep up with massive read and write operations within its private
Blockchain , IAGON might in the future scale to introduced multiple private Blockchains to reduce the
potential of a single point of failure which can bring the down whole system by using a masterless architecture.

IAGON will expand its operations to support using its Smart Computing Grid and Secure Lake technologies on
the Tangle platform , in addition to operating them on the Ethereum Blockchain . The Tangle technology is
based on application of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Mathematically , the Tangle generates a stochastic
process on the space of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) that “grows” in time by attaching new vertices to the
graph according to a Poissonian clock . Yet, no vertices (edges ) are deleted . When that clock signals the
system , a new vertex appears and attaches itself to positions on the graph selected by random walk
processes on the prior state of the graph (Popov et al., 2017).
The application of the Tangle technology assists in resolving some of the issues associated with the
implementation of the Blockchain technology for a large scale of operations , including the difculties to scale
the blockchain, to achieve consensus on the validity of blocks when the new blocks continuously arrive. By
applying the Tangle technology , IAGON can offer an alternative solution for organizations with Big Data
repositories that can support large scales of processing and storage management tasks

IAGON does not use the Blockchain like other cryptocurrencies. Even its use case approaches data processing
in a more conventional method hence using a POW (proof of work) or POS (proof of stake) mechanism
to reward a particular miner for discovering a particular block is not a viable solution. Hence IAGON uses its
own mechanism for determining miners’ contribution and processing speed using a method know as proof
of variance . Proof of variance classifes each miner based on their contribution into a pool. Miners within
the same pool then compete which each other. Miners from lower pools get upgraded or downgraded based
on several factors but the two main factors are speed and amount of data miners are able to fnd. Proof of
variance uses a combination of algebraic theory and probability functions to compute a miner ’s
contribution and which pool the miner can be classifed under. This allows for newer miners to proft from
mining data and increase their processing assets exponentially while miners investing more into their
assets can obtain an immediate return on their investment. The probability theory utilizes both discrete and
continuous functions and results of mining change over time.
Block Imaging: Block imaging is the method in which certain subset of the Blockchain is imaged or copied
to be randomly distributed across the node. An image of the block sent to nodes will mean the Blockchain
does not undergo any sort of permutation and remains immutable . Theoretically , randomly selected
blocks are branched and distributed to nodes for processing . The imaging algorithm is a suitable method
that is scalable to solve arbitrarily large problems by using distributed nodes. To create the algorithm for
block imaging, we assume that and are block separable:

When hence and once all subvectors are size 0, and are fully separable . Fully separable blocks have no
restrictions on partitioning with the end goal is to allow for each block to be handled by separate process
and does not involve the transfer of block matrices among processes (Parikh and Boyd, 2012).
Binomial Distribution: To ascertain distribution of blocks within a set (blocks are assumed to include 0 as
the genesis block), for natural numbers n and k, where n ≥ k ≥ 0, the binomial coefcients are arranged into
rows for successive values of n, and in which k ranges from 0 to n. Since blocks are defned in natural numbers
and can be defned as the coefcient of the monomial in the expansion of. The coefcient allows for
the use of binomial theorem to scale data block distribution using:

Solving for where is a non-negative integer provides the number of k-combinations (Molenaar, 1970; Fog, 2008).
This method allows for scalability as block numbers grow and dependent algorithms no longer require data
to be parsed from the entire Blockchain once sufcient volume has been obtained.
Continuous Time: IAGON uses a particular mathematical dynamic knows as continuous time as a framework
to perform its calculations given that the time dimension grows linearly. Continuous time would account for
the potential limitations that exist with using discrete time models when dealing with continuous simulations.
Proof of Variance: IAGON uses probability density function in determining data distribution and miner
classifcation. It utilizes a function of continuous random variables whose value at any given point in a sample
space is defned as the relative likelihood of a miner fnding a data output within an n number of blocks.
Blocks are distributed in this manner to miners throughout its system where the general likely hood of miners
with higher probability levels can process data at higher speeds. Since the function utilizes continuous
variables over time, it allows the classifcation of miners based on performance rather than a lottery system
or having a stake within the particular system.

The proof of variance algorithm is unique to the use case in regards to different domains used in its
calculations. Since blocks are generated in continuous time and processing happens asynchronously, the usage
of probability functions allows for a fairer system of rewarding miners based on the group the miner is
competing in. Proof of variance allows for new miners to improve their computational power over time and
existing miners with greater computational power and connection speed to earn rewards proportional to
their contributions.

Iagon (IAG) - An ICO with a BIG Community


Like all autonomous systems, there is always a need for some form of manual intervention when dealing
with anomalies. The resolution protocol has a set of rules when dealing with anomalies to either resolve it
automatically or perform further processing by sandboxing the request and allow manual intervention to
resolve the confict.
The encryption/decryption protocol is used for internally stored data. All data stored within IAGON’s platform
is encrypted to some degree to protect the data in the event of a breach. IAGON has a variety of options to
store data on its platform including SQL, NoSQL , private Blockchains and other 3rd party storage providers
which are compliant with regulatory requirements. IAGON at its core use AES-256 to encrypt and decrypt data.
AES -256 is the encryption standard recommended by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology) and uses a symmetric key algorithm.

The IAGON Pre-sale begins on May 27th, 16:00 CEST and lasts for 30 days. Pre-sale will be done
through IAGON website - https://iagon.com.
The Pre-sale offers 20% of the tokens at a price of:
• 0.06 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 25 ETH;
• 0.07 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 10 ETH;
• 0.08 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 5 ETH;
• 0.09 USD per IAG token - for contribution > 0.1 ETH;

The ETH price is the equivalent of 1,000 USD.

Individuals who participated in the Dragonchain pre-sale will have the right to buy according to their DSS
score, which will be locked according to when the previous contribution was made and pegged ETH price.
Otherwise, they can take advantage of the new prices. Purchases can be made in ETH.
The IAGON crowdsale (Token Sale ) begins on July 7th . Token sale lasts for 30-60 days, depending on sale.
In addition to the Pre-sale, the crowdsale offers 50% of the IAGON tokens to the public (offering in total
500,000,000 tokens).
Purchases can be made via all ETH according to the following rates:
• 0.12 USD per IAG token fo all 500 million tokens
Total amount of IAG tokens for two phases: 700,000,000 tokens.
Other 30% of the tokens (max. 300,000,000 tokens) will be dedicated to: 10% for IAGON’s team
10% for advisors and bounty hunters; 10% for development.

Team tokens are allocated by the following:
• First taking out the performance related tokens for team members.
• Then remaining tokens will be distributed to co-founders: Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal (65%),
Dr. Elad Harison (25%), Dr. Claudio Lima (10%)
• 70% of team tokens are locked until mainnet launch (Q1 2019)
• CEO's (Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal) tokens are locked in following way: 30% for one year and 70% for two years

Purchases can be made via all ETH, Bank Transfer or debit/card (We also use Changelly as our API and this
allows for us to convert other currencies to ETH on site, before purchase).
Please follow the detailed instructions for Token Sale fat money transfers on our website.
The Token Contract and associated audits will be published at a later date on Etherscan. We invite all potential
participants to review them for features and functionality.

Road map

IAGON Partners
IAGON has engaged in numerous partnerships in order to propel IAGON forward when they enter the market.
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IAGON’s executive team is lead by Dr. Navjit Dhaliwal, a highly experienced professional in the feld of
cryptocurrency investments and fnancial operations. IAGON’s team members are:







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