Someone jacked my IOTA wallet!!!!

in #crypto7 years ago


I have learned a very valuable lesson today. I was checking my cold storage wallets like I do every couple days and low and behold what do I see???? A BIG FAT ZERO!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you that I was irate at first but I finally got my wits about me and decided to search for a solution. I checked multiple online forums. I was able to find a github wallet that you can apparently send your iota to that bypasses certain parameters if the transaction from the THIEF is still pending. I frantically started downloading and watching you tube videos on this less than cooperative wallet who's name I purposely have forgotten by this point. Lets just say it was a tad above my pay grade. It didn't matter anyways because one of the two confirmations was complete and the scumbag got away with my cash!!! I do wish I knew how this fool got control of my wallet. I am assuming that my seed was compromised at some point but to be honest i created the wallet months ago and do not remember the process that I used. Having this happen is a definite eye opener. Crypto currency is an amazing product and I know it is the future. That being said, personal responsibility for your actions in this space is so imperative. There is no falling back on a separate entity to get my funds back. I can't very well fork my crypto to stop that bastard that took it and I shouldn't be able to do that. I so wish there was a cold storage wallet out there that was able to carry all my currencies but alas there is not and I don't see one coming soon. Having all these coins and tokens in all these different places is nothing but a pain in the ass!!! In the end it will be worth it though.. Thanks for letting me rant and I hope that everyone that reads this double and triple checks their assets today.....


I'm sorry you lost coins. The problem might of been with the site you created the wallet? I also wish we could put everything on a cold storage wallet. Hopefully people are working on much better wallets, I know they are for IOTA. This is very early days in crypto, a lot needs to be done before mass adoption can happen. Imagine the headlines if things like this happen to thousands of people that don't really understand the technology.

Oh ya that would be catastrophic. The early adopters are hopefully knowledgeable enough to realize that these things are going to happen on occasion. You just have to spread yourself out and be careful. This is why I am good with less than 1% of population involved in crypto because the majority of people just can't handle losses when it comes to their cash and they will dump something that isn't secure in a heartbeat.


I upvoted and followed you. Do the same for me and we can help each other EARN..

I've heard there are problems with that wallet.

well there aren't any that are inherently bad, I have a feeling my seed was compromised. Not completely sure but that's better than the alternative.

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