The future is here: Kind Ads – A new and effective way to advertise, without sweat

in #crypto6 years ago

In the past decade, the world had seen a radical shift from traditional advertising to a subtle, yet aggressive form, of digital marketing. Like the rise of molten lava from the depth of a volcanic cave, digital marketing continues to extend its reach all over place.

The days of boring, irriating Ads are over, thanks to Kind Ads


But in the free world market, a fairly small number of companies are at the fore of this transformation: From Google powerful SEOs, AdWords and co, to Facebook's EdgeRank. And the skills to maximize the complex algorithms are in the hands of only a few. These algorithms are difficult to understand, especially to the layman. The skills needed to maximize these platforms are restricted in the hands of a few so called experts. These "experts" make a fortune of members of the public who are often in the dark about how things work. This restriction is one of the biggest drawbacks of a centralised system like mainstream digital marketing companies depend on.

Ironically, this restriction has also been one of the greatest driving forces for new innovations to liberalise ways of making cheap, effective and easily accessible digital marketing solutions available to the public.And yes, this challenge gave birth to a new solution called Kind Ads which is set to change the world.

Kind Ads is a decentralised fail-proof advertisement platform


Kind Ads is a decentralised platform that connects businesses directly to their target demographics. As a decentralized platform, on the Kind Ads platform, power is not restricted in the hands of a few like obtains in traditional, and highly restrictive digital marketing that swivels in chain in the hands of behemoths like Google and Facebook. On Kind Ads, you earn as you advertise and as you view the advertisements others upload.

With Kind Ads, everyone is a winner: the advertisers, publishers, users (public) and the parent company behind Kind Ads. Everyone gets their fair share in growing the platform, allowing more participation such that all advertisements permeate every later of society. But perhaps the biggest changes that Kind Ads brings to the table are that it is highly affordable, reliable, effective and the skills to leverage on digital marketing will be put in the hands of everyone- the platform is easy to use, even for a complete novice.

Four groups make up the community on the Kind Ads platforms, while the first group re unseen somewhat but their work is felt all through the platform, the remaining three groups are the active players on the platform: The developers, plus the advertisers, the publishers, and the users.

The Kind Ads community


The platform has been steadily growing without making unnecessary but quietly, it has been getting the job done. Effective adverts without bothering about irritating Ads, intrusive ads or middlemen. With Kind Ads, the internet is more enjoyable for users and profitable for everyone who commits to making a difference one way or the other.

Write an article about Kind Ads and how it would impact the world of online marketing. How will cutting out the middle man from advertising benefit publishers and users? How does decentralization help combat large corporations that are currently dominating the space? How could Kind Ads change the way companies interact with their potential demographic? As always, the contest is open ended. Be creative and have fun!

With middlemen out of the way, advertisement costs drop such that advertising your products, services or organizations on Kind Ads does not create holes in your pockets, rather, it helps you save money, while it increases the results you get.

Now, you can look big corporations in the face and dare them because you know that now they can no longer hold you to ransom. Without them, without their cut-throat tactics, your business can continue to attract new customers for a fraction of what you sued to spend on advertisement.

With Kind Ads, companies can now directly reach and interact with their companies. You see, with Kind Ads, Power is back where it belongs.

Kind Ads also return power to users. If a user (reader) stumbles on a digital Ad via the Kind Ads platform which he or she doesn’t like, the Ad can be muted with a simple click- so now, the power of choice is with the users. What this also means is that quality ads, rather than the ones dumped on users, will carry the day as the power of your persuasions, the manner of your delivery and the quality of your Ads will attract users, not the size of your advertisement budget. So, everyone stands a better chance.

The days of poor and irritating Ads are over. Even if you lack the skills to produce exciting and highly engaging Ads that would draw and keep users glued to your website, Kind Ads have in stock for you series of educational materials and resources to help you build the right skills to win and keep users.

You can learn more about Kind Ads here.

With Kind Ads, it’s a win-win for everyone.

If you are a good publisher, writer or artist, Kind Ads is the place for you.

If you are a good advertiser, it’s time to cross over to a platform that has your best interests at heart.

If you are an upcoming publisher, advertiser or freelance, this is the place to be. Join the train and see a new world of possibilities get unleashed for you.

Are you already thinking what I am thinking?

It's true, everyone is a winner, with Kind Ads.

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