Jeff Berwick on Crypto Currency, Gold and Central Banks

in #crypto8 years ago

I chanced upon a video ( see below to listen ) of Jeff Berwick at the Vancouver International Mining Conference. He had a few startling things to say which were much more concise than my rambling rants. He said, "Central Banks are a tenant of Communism...Governments are just a giant form of Mafia...How many people think we all live on a slave plantation?". He went on to talk about the crypto currency revolution that takes away Central Banks' ability to destroy the value of the "money" it issues. He also said Bitcoin could as easily reach $1,000,000 USD as well as zero if the electricity and or the internet kill switch is thrown.

One does not need to look very far to see Central Banks destroying the purchasing power of their currency which is a form of taxation or debt default. The US dollar has lost 97% of its purchasing power since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was authorized. Berwick's statement about Central Banks being an integral part of Communism stems from the Communist absolute concept of controlling the means of production. When Central Banks want more production they issue more credit at a lower interest rate. When it serves their purpose to constrict production they withdraw credit and/or charge higher fees for the credit. Central Banks so far have had little to no control of crypto currencies which are more of a free market of exchange. You can bet governments and Central Banks are working very hard at taking over or destroying this new currency that stems from a peaceful bottom up revolt of the masses.

Berwick's reference to us all living on a slave plantation will seem odd to most but I believe he is correct. It was long ago realized by slave owners that if they allowed their slaves to keep a small portion of what they labored for, the slaves would work harder. Unfortunately for most of us in the "advanced" western developed nations, the slave owners ( Governments and Central Banks ) have not been satisfied with the profits. The cost of production such as food and shelter is growing faster than the profits so they keep raising banking fees while reducing interest on bank deposits at the same time governments keep raising licensing fees, fines, taxes and numbers incarcerated. There are too many useless eaters as far as the slave owners are concerned and they are also trying to convince the slaves that they also are being taken advantage of by the less productive slaves there is little or no work for, pitting the lowly against each other.

In later posts I will show the connection between the lack of historical education, American Constitutional Rights destruction and people being duped into contracting with government.

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