Improving crypto-based financial transactions

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Blockchain, e-commerce, smart contracts, crypto-trading- all perks of being part of this blessed generation.

Not a single one of these was even fathomable couple of decades ago.
We are currently in a dispensation where virtually all financial operations are now made possible through use of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain compared to being subjected to the hassles and stress of visiting traditional "centralized" financial institutions-banks.

What are smart contracts


Smart contracts are powered by blockchain. There are basically used to initiate and, consequently execute financial transactions. It is indeed the in-thing today. Think of it as a ledger or diary through which both transacting parties; buyers and sellers(p2p) can directly relate for the purpose of financial transacts, eliminating the middleman. The object of transaction can either be digital asset or cash.
Smart contract is still very new in the market. As such, very few platforms have it already incorporated into their financial system.

Current problem with current crypto systems

The prevailent financial system on most crypto platforms today require that the peers involved need must burden themself with the virtue of trust.
As an example, Timothy is a seller of hydro and Sam is a buyer. With the current system, for the transaction to take place, Timothy was be willing to trust Sam that he will credit him with cash once he has initiated the hydro transfer from his end or Sam must be willing to do the same. In the event that either party is not willing to trust, then there arises a conflict of interest. Consequently, there would be no transact.

On the other hand, if Timothy sends the hydro and Sam does not live up to his end of the bargain, then, the former would have been defrauded. Its risk factors like this that scare potential cryptousers away.

It simply boils down to one thing. As is the case with most novel creations, there is always need for improvement.


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Streamity is more like an hydra head organization, whose core component is StreamDesk.

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StreamDesk is a peer-to-peer based platform that is majorly concerned with providing better assurance for crypto platforms in the area of smart contracts. The goal is to exonerate both parties from the risk of being defrauded.
Streamity plans to do this by partnering with top blockchains like NEM, CIVIC and payment-facilitating organisations like PayPal. The former would be responsible for effective, reliable smart contracts while the latter would be charged with the task of processing payment.

Decentralised nature

It would allow for direct relationship between the buyers and sellers unlike the traditional- centralization, where all actions to be performed must reach the server, before any transaction can be executed. It is indeed good tidings for all- reduction of commission charges usually imposed by exchange organizations on buyers and consequent boost on the value of the seller's wallet.

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Trustless nature

With the advent of Streamity, buyers would not have to trust sellers in order to have a successful transaction. The adoption of smart contract on StreamDesk trustless nature would make sure of this.

StreamDesk modus operandi is such that both the FIAT money and virtual asset to be exchanged must be on the virtual machine first before either party can enjoy access to what each man is interested in. It simply means that no one can be duped as, any foul play from either end would translate to no deal! at all. This way both parties can be assured of security. Even better, the process is a trustless one.
Personally, I look forward to Streamity's launch

You can learn more, simply visit:
Streamity Website
Streamity Whitepaper

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BTC 65316.48
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SBD 2.65