Flipping The Switch

in #crypto7 years ago

The first two clips are such a beautiful example of a hypnagogic jerk. A hypnagogic jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm that occurs as a person is drifting off to sleep. The phenomenon is so named in reference to the hypnagogic state — the transitional period between wakefulness and sleep.

These jerks to me signify something far more significant. Then what modern science has defined them as. As they occur almost simultaneously to direct commands via quantum information transferral. and other systemic processes regarding electrical excitability. It also appears to be the body discharging excess stress. Or emotions that have been quite literally stored in the body.

For example during this procedure. as we isolated ancestral trauma. And began to recode these disruptive wave lengths. It was immediately met by a jolt like stimuli. Manifesting as a jerk like motion lifting the legs up.

Prior to this session during our first procedure. There was no involuntary stimuli observed and the bio feed back. Had come back as inconclusive. What's fascinating enough is that. this is not the first time I had observed a similar pattern in a person of color.

I had a tattoo artist who was of african decent. That exhibited the same pattern almost verbatim. We had done our first session. Of course to no avail. We were unable to receive any bio feed back or observable stimuli. The next session I isolated ancestral trauma. And like a key that fits a lock. Suddenly we are able to interact with an environment. That previously to working with the core disruptive wave length. There was no observable stimuli.

What happens is essentially this flip switches electromagnetically within the patient. Allowing electro chemical signaling to travel with little to no resistance. Which allows us to receive accurate biofeedback via twitch responses.

In the last part of the film. We see this individual begin to tap into their high intelligence. And begin to directly assist in the procedure. Notice the sequential like movements followed by the jolt like stimuli. Truly remarkable stuff..

In conclusion isolating ancestral trauma and other karmic imprints. Often results on an increase in electromagnetic conductivity. And creates an environment where our bodies higher intelligence. Is able to directly assist in recalibrating ones energetic system.

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