To Buy Or Sell Bitcoin Cash... That Is The Question

in #crypto7 years ago

On Wednesday evening I was on the Crypto Show to talk about several topics including, of course, the hottest topic of the moment which is the bitcoin fork that resulted in the emergence of Bitcoin Cash.

I mentioned how with any paradigm shift there are always bumps in the road, especially with a new technology. What has excited me the most about bitcoin recently - especially in the wake of the fork - is that the price wasn’t negatively affected whatsoever. In fact, the combined price of bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash resulted in a new all-time high valuation.

In other words, the result of this fork has really been a testament to bitcoin’s resilience as a decentralized currency.

On the show, I also talked a bit about my reservations regarding Segwit and that I remain concerned about it’s potential outcomes. I’ll be writing about this in the upcoming issue of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter to subscribers (subscribe HERE).

You won’t want to miss this show as it’s packed with lots of details associated with the future of bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and crypto as a whole.

Check it out HERE:

I also want to announce that the ebook, The Book of Satoshi, which I wrote the foreword to, is now available for free to subscribers of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter thanks to the graciousness of its author, Phil Champagne.

Current subscribers can log into the Member’s Area of our website to access it (subscribe HERE to access now).

It’s an excellent book detailing all of Satoshi Nakamoto’s most important writings leading up to and launching bitcoin. It really lets you see the genius of the man.. or woman... or intelligence agency if you were to believe some conspiracy theorists.

I don’t believe Satoshi was CIA, MI6, Mossad or part of any other terrorist organization though. And I think his writings show this. He just wanted to create a currency that would rid this world, once and for all, of the scourge of governments and central banks.

And so far he has done a great job!


Good stuff Jeff, keep it coming!

Im glad i found this post. I enjoyed the video. I held my Bitcoin Cash and missed initial sell opportunities. I said I would hold it a minimum of six months. Its interesting to hear Jeff thinks it has been a positive event so far.

We will test segwit and in the meantime I will have a stake in the game. Why not hold your Bitcoin cash and have a chance at possible high returns. It was free afterall. is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

I'm just going to hold for a while and see what happens

I cant believe people will support this man! what is wrong with you?

@jeffberwick / @dollarvigilante are you a jew or are you just hanging around jews????

Also how can your 3 past public scams be justified by any means: Selling fake Passports runnnig with the money, Accusing an innocent man of rape together with your "wife" and running away with real estate clients money and not giving them the promised property?

Of course you will not answer this message.. and now you know that I know that you are a scammer.. good luck surviving the new blockchain technologies!

Jeff Berwick does not sell passports. He sells a service that helps people gain citizenship, or buy enough influence to get a another country's passport.

Did you listen to Jeff's video about how long he had to wait to get HIS passport?

First there was a year waiting period, but then near the end the extended it to two. Next year they extended it to three. I think it was year seven when he finally got it.

Anyone who followed in his footsteps had to go through the same thing. And if they thought they were just "buying" a passport, they would probably be pissed.

And then, there are the countries where you literally buy political favor to get a passport. Do you tell the corrupt politician of banana republic, hey, I want my money back? The path is fraught with difficulties and pitfalls. And into this, you have people expecting "satisfaction guaranteed or you money back". I am so very sad for them.

And, about the land deal. Mr. Berwick has talked about it often. He is still litigating it. That is not the mark of a person who took the money and ran. Also, you hear of only the one incident. Every land scammer I know of, or heard of, does it over and over and over again.

Further, you are buying land in a country that is not as solid on property rights as first world nations. And where ownership by a foreign individual is tenuous. Like, in Mexico, as a foreigner, you cannot own land, but you can own the house. That can make for some pretty difficult times.

Lastly, Jeff is an entrepreneur. I don't know of any entrepreneur who hasn't failed or messed up many times. But first world consumers are only familiar with well trodden paths that all kinds of govern-cement safe guards. These people have problems understanding the difficulties of creating a new business.

Just look at the guy who was making bucky balls. He had money from people who wanted the product, but he was court ordered not to ship any. So, was it his fault? Was he just a scam artist? How dare he fail in the most basic of economic transactions! Nope, it is just one of the things that happens.

I chanced my mind about this topic, and wrote my new stand below. I agree that entrepreneurs fail again and again, but there is a difference in failing to make a business and de-frauding people. Anyway as I state below, I don't know what happened and who are right in those disputes. I also had disputes in my life, so I lost my head today.. and I apologizes about that!

I wonder why you made refrence to jews? if he is a jew for example, does it make him a bad person? let us mind our language and dont term all human being bad because of ideology... @jeffberwick or @dollarvigilante makes top videos and many people have made it listening to he perfect, infact no body is perfect however I do appreciate his tips hence why I follow him on steemit and youtube. I wish you success in anything (positive) you are doing.

I am curious if he is a JEW yes... not that all JEWS are evil people or anything.. I am just curious... I personally have no religion my entire life!

Ok, now I understand

Thanks for this comment.

It can be difficult for observers after the fact to parse events from reports of involved parties, and I have but noted the controversies and my own inability to know what really may have happened. Clearly your aversion to ad homina has enabled @lasseehlers to gain perspective, and I reckon we all profit from good information on a murky issue.

I have been startled by the rationality of the statements of Jeff Berwick, but have long been dismayed by various parties whose rhetoric is merely propaganda. I have been less and less able to fit @dollarvigilante into that category, and find your analysis compelling.

While I refuse to have faith in anyone or anything, I must acknowledge that evidence of any intent to do wrong on Berwick's part seems completely lacking, or tainted by bias. I dearly hope to continue to benefit from sound advice regarding anarchy and liberty that Jeff continually provides.

I feel this is a good thing.

We have left the time of the guru. Everybody believed Walter Kronkite. You looked up to your heroes, and they were without flaw. (Hollywood made sure of that)

So, two things have happened, the internet has let us see into people's lives at a very fast pace. And there is a movement, a motion, a universal push, to become your own guru.

The end result, is this feeling of wanting to follow the guru/hero (feelings of nostalgia, or feelings of it is the way it should be, because of your past) and now knowing that we have to choose our own path and dissect for ourselves, our own information, and validate our own knowledge.

Its a hard transition. Keep a discerning eye out.

I have been startled by the rationality of the statements of Jeff Berwick, but have long been dismayed by various parties whose rhetoric is merely propaganda.

A lot of Jeff's statements are almost as "rational" as David Icke's.

I haven't heard any references to Reptilian overlords from @dollarvigilante, although I am less than convinced cryptos have any potential to overthrow the world order. However, they may well provide a basis for a new economic structure if they are filling a vacuum, or merely one leg of a multi-pronged strategy.

The way things are looking presently is that they are just being retrofit into the extant fractional reserve banking system, which leaves them but another form of fiat, although easier of global transfer and accounting than paper notes.

It may not be of much practical use to consider the philosophy of liberty while the current system appears to thrive, unassailable in it's formidable power, but there are systemic problems and new technology challenging obsolete paradigms that impact the current order behind the veil of money.

While the Anarcho-Syndicalists were overwhelmed by the Bolsheviks, the embryo of freedom was but pushed aside. Just as Voline and his compatriots were imprisoned and slaughtered by the 'Communists' (Terrorists) a century ago, Ross Ulbricht has been today, and Berwick remains yet actively proclaiming liberty.

What seems impractical at present may still become inevitable as the fluidity of extant circumstances continues to threaten dominant paradigms, particularly as the human spirit continues, always, to dream of flying free.

It is not unreasonable to consider where to go from here, and no one has all the answers, so some consternation is to be expected of any philosopher groping for answers in the darkness of our present overcast of propaganda and coercive governance.

Come the dawn, the light of reason may look different than we expect from our current view.

I haven't heard any references to Reptilian overlords from @dollarvigilante, although I am less than convinced cryptos have any potential to overthrow the world order. However, they may well provide a basis for a new economic structure if they are filling a vacuum, or merely one leg of a multi-pronged strategy.

Jeff doesn't just talk about cryptocurrencies, he talks about all kinds of conspiracy theory shit such as the moon landings being faked, CIA controlling peoples minds, etc. I like Jeff as I find him amusing and entertaining but rational wouldn't be a word I'd use to describe him.

Sure, I'll answer. Fuck off ... you believe everything the guy who scammed me (Ken Johnson - read about him here... he is now an on the run fugitive says about me? LOL.

I was talking about the passport company, not the real estate company.

Anyway, it is hard to know what happened, there are some convincing information suggesting that you scammed some people in the past, in the passport company... I dont know... lets just focus on the future... and the fiat money system is a bigger scam, no matter who scammed who!

Hmmm not sure I responded on the right thread... anyway, it appears a few people have posted the truth of what happened, so thanks to those!

Good point @jeffberwick , pls focus on your positive work and great post....which inspired me to make a post on @dan.

Feel free to see my latest post about how I exposed @dan ´s secret plan to take over the world. More success to you.

If i knew someone who could get fake passports for people who need them, I would think they are the coolest. Boarders are terrible. You clearly do not care about human freedoms and consider taking back your own rights a crime. You are truly disenfranchised my friend, please leave forever

He was selling "real passports", never delivered them and ran away with his clients money.

I am pro a free world but also a world free of scammers!

Considering you had just resteemed his posts 14 days ago, I'm guessing you read some stupid comment, believed it and started regurgitating it within days. Good job falling for that nonsense of a story. Jeff is not a scammer and you know nothing of what actually happened.

Then again, are you guys JEWS?? Not that it matter much in the future, since crypto is for everyone... I have one real life friend that is a JEW!

@joshsigurdson you are right actually, I will admit my cognitive mistake! I watched some of the videos again and I thought about it again... and you are right, I dont know what happened in those business transactions.. I have said before that I think Jeff Berwick do a lot of good things, but I didnt like these scam stories that seem very horrible... but you are right, I was not there and I dont know what happened...

Also I have serious problems in my life, that often get me out of track... my children captured in government schools and with their mothers and step dads, it affect me a lot and I want to move out of this place (I live in Denmark).. so yes I have a tendency to not always think rational no matter how hard I try..

I am still in doubt about the Robert Kiyosaki story.. I think if he use the state to run his real estate businesses, then he can not be an anarchist, but must be violating the NAP and being a bad person?!

I was in the room when the Kiyosaki argument broke out. Kiyosaki had a random outburst and it was ridiculous.

I hear you, it's easy to get carried away. I feel for you, Denmark is an insanely regulated and taxed country and the government indoctrination camps they throw children into is horrible.

Its a complicated world we live in, I appreciate your comments. I might get the courage to go to Jeff's conference or the steemFest next times... so we might meet one day.


That book is good for those who want to make it big time. I've read the book more than 10 times.

also want to announce that the ebook, The Book of Satoshi, which I wrote the foreword to, is now available for free to subscribers of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter thanks to the graciousness of its author, Phil Champagne.

As I want to reply I just look at bitcoin price and it is going well and at the same time Bitcoin cash is taking a whooping.

Keep on steemit.

That's why the new nickname for BCH is "BCrash".

There's more pain coming, when the larger exchanges start listing it.

Hodling BTC and BCH

Speculation plus hawk traders = alt coin market craziness

Bitcoin cash is mostly China pushing for it the issue is if this hard fork is successful there is no stopping many other people doing it and it splintering bitcoin into various other coins all worth less. This needs to not be successful honestly or its going to be a blow to bitcoin and crypto currency. Bitcoin cash is not secure at all with low mining power at the moment. The only reason for the 7 billion fresh injection of market cap is because of china to try and crush bitcoin so they can run the show.

Bitcoin Cash is technically superior. SegWitCoin violates the white paper and the very definition of Bitcoin.

Everyone knows forks can happen anytime, it's not a cause for concern.

I am holding both BCH and BTC and looking forward to see how this plays out in the near future. Thanks for the updates!

The trash will crash and that will be good news for the real Bitcoin.

Sell....ON August 2nd. Too late now!

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