in #crypto4 years ago

In a bid to satisfy our wants,throbs and desires, Humans being an insatiable creature has resorted to crime which has inturn had unfavourable effects by escalating at which it continues to go up each and every day.. And the medical field is not an exemption from this.

CRAZY RIGHT?? Well Read on..

Medical data has been pawned and falsified in exchange for monetary value or immediate gratifications irrespective of the fact that the victim might be adversely affected or be in danger.. Advanced Medical Health care has been a dream and vision to humans but through the integration of blockchain technology, Cryptography,AI technology and Facts, Information and Data gotten from around the globe,this aspiration has been gotten even more closer. All thanks to the Big Medical BRAINS behind the Pulse Network !!

Inspired And Motivated to solve this problems a community of elites and Professional Medical Personnels has come together to put all hands on deck and tackle the nail by the hammer.


Ascelpius Network formerly rebranded to PULSE NETWORK is a medical platform integrating Blockchain and AI technology to provide advanced medical healthcare equally to everyone (including the 3rd World Countries)..

   It Uses a Blockchain as it’s backbone to ensure that there is equitably distribution and transparency because it is immutable, secured, authentic, efficient and transparent. Pulse Network uses the Polkadot Ecosystem to provide it’s value to all and sundry. The launch comes with it’s two unrivalled high-tech byproducts which are PULSE POCKET and PULSE RECORD (EMR) respectively..

Pulse Pocket is a revolutionary app which will be able to do these :-
• Give Health Support Informative Videos
• Alert for Viral and severe disease prevention
• Provision of Health check up results and
associated health info
• Digital Medicine Notebook
• Teleshopping, Wallet supporting and many

Pulse Record (EMR) is a groundbreaking, brainstorming and trendsetting app from the PULSE NETWORK.. it has many functions and will be able to do these :-
• Give AI-aided diagnostic info
• Multilingual Support
• Embedded Wallet Functionality
• Realtime research of latest pharmaceutical
information and many great more to
mention but a few..
All these functions are stated as according to the projects main articles..

All these developments and projects are only bent on one targeted goal.. A very big improvement on Advanced Health Care and the Medical Space.. Pulse is here to stay!!!

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