Yeah so true. I remember my thinking way back at the beginning when "gopher" was the only search engine. By 2000 I was thinking "oh well, it's all been done. Shitty I missed out on the good ones..."
I was building "pamphlet" websites for 800 buks a pop back then. Next thing all the free website activity started and I moved on. Plus I got sued by a company called "USUE" cause they weren't happy with their DB. I should have known better than contract to a company called "USUE" to begin with. Ah well...part of business I guess. I defended it regardless. Live and learn.
Funny though...WIX and GODADDY has so many paid accounts that no one does anything with. I think their kinda like the gym....10 thousand members but only a small percentage shows up. I don't think either could "load balance" if all the paid members actually showed up and went to work! As soon as both get a little tricky some just give up.
This time I'm gonna try to pay attention and load balance my life to have time to stay on the crypto, the pot stocks and the metals hopefully. They were going to legalize in July and that's when they went up. Then Trudeau decided that they were going to wait. Their almost back to where I first bought. If again they decide on legalization date I'm going in again a little.
I'm still a 7 - 5 daily work. Have to. I gotta work like a mofo to pay the bills. I got lucky on a few trades in the beginning. Even then the crypto was much higher than now but I was still able to make a little play money. Then it was the "home mining". I still love that. Right now I'm just breaking even with power consumption running 1080's. I'm goin long though while the units still accumulate. My friend has mined 7 BTC's from zero. He kept going even at a loss temporarily. Look'in back it was worth it but he has had some mental beatings like the recent jump and fall...basically it felt like getting cut in half!
I really want to put a lot into MIO but the team...I'm nervous with this crew and they still ain't bought any mining gear. 80 percent of their intake on investment capitol is tied up in eth; the rest in Euro's. Where the hell are they gonna get the capitol? They won't cash out on Eth, rightfully so at current rates but where will the mining gear money come from? They will be able to buy about 2 million in mining gear at best if the ICO does the numbers it's talk'in about. That's 200 decent units so a quarter mill/month. Our share would be 140K divided up amongst all MIO holders. I'm not say'in I don't have some faith but is this the one to drop it all on? I'm not sure. Maybe just a little. It's so hard to know...if it goes as planned it's about 13 percent of your investment monthly for as long as you hold the tokens..damn.
Are u checkin out Miner One?
I have been served some ads, but other than that, I have not. Seems to be a bit a competition in this new field and it might be wise to see who comes out on top, but then again, that's where all the money is to be made if you speculate correctly. Personally, I'd go for a safer, more long-term investment in this market.
Yeah like Hashflare I guess. I dunno yet, I gotta few days still at 20 percent discount. I keep thinking with cheap eth I'll be a good deal but realistically it means less mining gear for minerone in the end I suppose...
So I traded some ETH for the STEEM... now what? Used it all to power up... nothing happened. Still haven't quite figured this platform out yet!
Hey Martico. I was out of town for a bit, just getting back to my PC. Yeah there is so much to learn just on steemit. I hold steem just as an investment but if your inject it than you have more upvote power. Also you can slowly grow it. It takes someth'in like 14 equal payouts to get it back out.
I want to see it go to a hundred bucks in 5 years! Hi hopes but Jerry Banfield seems to think it is possible.
Hey I just went to check the 12 string tuning video and yeah...It's not working..Did you find out wassup with that? I'm sure there is chatter on that.
Nope, I just tried it and it only loads the thumb - it worked the day I uploaded it... I am thinking either Dtube has really outgrown itself and cannot keep up with the traffic or they changed some policies, prioritizing users with top reputations. I suspect the latter because I can watch Dollar Vigilante videos on Dtube until the cows come home.
** UPDATE **
I think I figured it out. I wasn't able to upvote videos either and it was because I was not signed in (even though I kind of was) because the posting key was not there. Now I should be able to post videos. Just need to make another one first!