in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

12 years ago, I met a woman who had just recently retired from Morgan Stanley. She was a broker that used to manage multi-millions dollar portfolios. She was a truly remarkable woman for having accomplished so much without having a college education, for she started a family right after high school at the age of 18.

When her kids grew older and became independent, she looked for a job to pass the time, and that's how she ended up at Morgan Stanley. She found a calling and perused a career having passed her Series 7. She worked her way up through the company's ranks where she eventually became one of their top brokers. She was a brilliant woman who had a knack for picking winning stocks at the perfect time. She was always reading the papers to find news and events around the world that may impact the stock market.

One day, in 2004, (1 year before she retired) an unknown company gave their presentation to the brokers at Morgan Stanley, in the hopes of garnering support for their Initial Public Offering (IPO). She did not understand the presentation and could not see the value of this technology. The unknown company's IPO price was also $85.00 per share, which she thought was very high for an IPO, especially for a company that she was did not understand. Warren Buffet and his firm also passed on investing as well, for the same reasons my friend did. However, she was surprised to to see that many very young and inexperienced investors decided to participate in the IPO. She figured, "Well, they gotta learn sometime."

By 2006, just 2 years after their IPO, this company had turned many young investors in their 20's and 30's into millionaires. As of April 2017, their Market Cap reached 600 billion dollars. This unknown company is now the largest internet marketing company in the world; GOOGLE.

Every time my friend turns on her computer and uses Google, she is filled with regret that she did not see the value in their technology, like the other younger investors of her firm did. Although she is very comfortable in her retirement, she lives with the regret for not seeing the potential of this the innovative, life changing technology.


People who fail to see ground breaking technology will always be left behind and the open mindedness of the young, and innovative will always move this technology forward.

What is Crypto Currency's secret weapon?

Cryptocurrency's secret weapon are the millennials. That's right, the Millennials!!! The are the secret weapon spear heading this technology. They are supporting the movement and changing the hearts and minds of people all over the world.

Why are the millennials behind the crypto currency revolution?

Growing up, many of them lived through the hardship of the 2008 market crash where our government bailed out Wall Street, big banks, and other industries. Wall street took that money and paid their brokers big, fat, bonuses instead of returning the money to the investors who lost their life savings. Those funds could have helped so many people who lost their jobs, homes, security, dignity, and even lives. That greed and corruption began the mistrust in the stock market.


This began the idea of decentralization where we bypass the corrupt and greedy banks to transact with each other. Thus the idea and the revolution of Bitcoin through Blockchain was born. If you look at the numbers, when asked would you invest in the stock market, 33% of millennials said they might. However out of that 33% only 5% actually did invest. When asked about bitcoin, 70% said that they would buy it, and 30% already had it. What will happen to the old market when our future is not investing in them? It will crumble and crash. The old republic will need to do something that will switch the money and power back to them. Do you think that these juggernauts, that control the economy, will just stand by and watch their money go down the drain. No, they will fight back, spread lies, fear, uncertainty, doubt, fake news, hatred, and all the negativity around this new innovation to make you go back to traditional investing.

fake news.jpg

The millennials are taking a stand and saying "No More". They have garnished support for this new market and backing decentralization and crypto currencies. This is the future and we are at the beginning of this revolution. We are waging civil war against the old traditional market full of corruption, greed, manipulation, and politics. The millennials are slowly changing the minds of their friends, parents, family, relatives, neighbors, coworkers, and slowly bringing them to crypto currencies. But they are doing this without putting any advertisements on television, without any marketing budget, without ads on the news paper. They are doing this through actions, social media and word of mouth. Even Giancarlo from the CFTC and Clayton, the SEC Director, mentioned at the Senate hearing, that their kids and other families are talking about crypto, asking questions about it, and even investing in it. That is why millennials the the secret weapon of Crypto Currency.

Welcome to the REVOLUTION!


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Remember to research before investing and do not invest with scared money. This is not financial advice but educated speculation.


If you find this information useful please upvote, resteem and subscribe.

Thank you in advanced for your upvote and for subscribing!

Best endeavors!


Great Read, the Millennial Generation is definitely leading the way. I am just happy to be here for the ride. Resteemed!

I got lucky, A friend introduced me to this technology and I fell in love with it.

Very informative, I really like your story. It's a lesson to others who are still doubting the veracity of new and brilliant Young Minds. Am following your post from now to see more interesting stories like this

@contentvoter what are your thoughts?

Anyone who is educated on blockchain technology, you would know that there is no possible way it will go away. Notice all the critics are people associated with banks, or someone else who is going to be exposed because of this technology.
If you are educated about this, you would laugh at what a lot of the critics say. Notice China said they were going to do away with the cryptos and exchanges. But they are still producing more cryptos after they said that. Plus they are reeling back from their comments.
Trust me people, blockchain tech can't go away. It's too valuable, and no matter what is said about it negatively, it will always come back. Even if you take a short time to find out what blockchain technology is, you will realize what I am saying.
The people who are saying the negative, like I said before, are hoping you are ignorant to blockchain tech. Hoping it will go away. But news flash!!!!- Too many people around the world know its value. Once you know about this technology, you will laugh right in the face of the nay sayers too!!!!

We do what we have to do to educate the world. one person at a time and make them belivers!

Super well written, good read. As a millenial, I concur! I stumbled into crypto in early 2015, and actually would have been with the 33% that was strongly considering getting into the stock market beforehand. Introduced to crypto after a drunken google search for "free internet money" - a picture of a wizard advertising "bitcoin, magical internet money!" sat in front of me, it made me smile, did my research and it's all history from there. I have not stopped smiling since when it comes to hodling, even during the painful downslides. I'm an absolute crypto freak these days, i hodl several different coins and talk about spontaneously at every given chance.

I never did invest in the stock market.

Awesome reply! Keep hodling!

Haha! That just brought back a great memory, hodling for life! Followed, thanks for the good read.

Excellent read with good reasoning Industrial age is over and Technology age has begun, time to everyone to start embracing it @cryptoautonomy.

This has just been presented to me to present to you! This is projected to really be the next Bitcoin and/or in the top 10 coins from the beginning. I am not at liberty to disclose much because we are in the early stages but the early bird really does get the worm! B2G coin will cost you $5 each from now til 3/15. It immediately is staged to go between $10 & $400 very fast to be conservative. You can buy 1 coin or 1 million. 12 multi-millionaires/multi-billionaires are founding the launch. They will have their own blockchain based on Ethereum but is not an ERC20 coin. More details to follow soon. You are encouraged to register and get in position now. You earn significant rewards for referring others into the program. THIS I BELIEVE IS OUR HOME RUN FOR 2018... Here is the link:


Great post like informative sir

@upvote done

Thank you! stay tuned for more

But is the China ban actually a fake news?

Yes, it was reported a sensationalism and fake news of putting words into someone elses intentions. The USA is supporting crypto currencies and the blockchain as they go hand and hamd. China supports blockhain and will not let the US be advantageous in this technology. They will regulate it but not ban it.

Just look at the ICO's they reportedly banned ICo but ICOs are still running like Tron, Red Pulse, The Key, Wanhcain, and many others. The supposedly close exchnges but Binance and KuCoin are the best exchanges at the momnebt operation in China.

Thanks for taking the time out to explain this details to me. I feel honored. Am following you to get more information on cryptos cos is an area I will really love to exploit any time soon

I've come to realize that the best form of advertising something, is to constantly talk about it, while not actually try to sell it. Then those listening will realize that this is something which has value to you, and not just something you and not just some overhyped flop. I believe that's what, despite all the fake news and FUD, will make Cryptocurrencies continue to prosper. And who knows, maybe one day stocks will be saved on the Ethereum blockchain?

An investigative journalist once asked the CEO of Pepsi, why do you still need to advertise when the cola wars are over. The CEO replied, we do not advertise to get coke drinkers to switch to our products, we advertise to instill to our patrons that our product is great!

So I say convert each person 1 by 1 by showing them that our product is great.

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