Splinterlands | Noxious Fumes Battle Challenge

With high mana available, I opted for my often-used Water Splinter with the Possibilis Summoner which gives monsters +2 health which helps with this ruleset even though it's not perfect. The Kraken is always my main Tank with high health. I followed this up with a 2nd tank with the Seamonster which has self-heal. The Baakjira was another cards put in place to survive and the fact that it gives other cards +1 health certainly helps. Opportunity monsters are always extra strong with this summoner and the combination of Deeplurker + Isgald Vorst as 1 Gladius card was allowed to be used. In last place there was another self-healing monster with high health in the Cornealus

This win mainly came because of my opponent simply had lower-level cards standing no real chance. Being up against some monsters with the Immunity at higher level might have gotten me in trouble in this match for sure
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