let me introduce myself biggulp
hello steemians ,
My name is Matthew I am 36 years of age, I have 3 children and we reside in Fountain Valley CA. I am very interested in crypto. I started investing December 4th 2017. What a rollercoaster ride I have been on. If I could go back in time I would have just held on to everything I first bought . Its funny that somebody like myself with no knowledge and experience in investing was able to make 8 grand profit my first week, boy did that change quick I am so addicted to the rush of making quick gains I loose sight of the big picture. Today I really screwed the pooch, I woke up at 6 55 am to see bitcoin diamond up 600% and just one week ago I bought 45 BCD, did I hold them ? Of course not I sold at a loss of 5 dollars a coin. So this morning smart me thinks oh shit I can still get in and make some quick gains took .25 BTC bought in at 240$ sold for 252$. At this point oh man I am thinking I am a genius so I trade in 184 BNB to BTC and go all in on BCD at 252$ I watch it go up to 260$ I than get greedy and set my sell at 265$ and all of a sudden freefall sell off like no fucking other. I got out at 200. I Lost .15 BTC in 10 minutes. If any of you guys got caught being greedy like me let me know? Or if you killed it also let me know. I need to learn its a marathon not a sprint race.
nice photo! you are so blessed with your 3 angels... welcome to steemit.
Thank you