in #crypto6 years ago


A decentralized music platform powered by Ethereum Network

VOISE Platform

Since the emerge of electronic recording and distribution systems, artists have started finding themselves shortchanged when it comes to remunerations and rewards. And the audience are spoilt with alternative choices to access the digital content, but most of these are either expensive, which has forced many to opt for illegal downloads while encouraging piracy in the process.

The high cost of digital content can be attributed to middlemen who take hefty commissions and end up benefiting from the expense of both artists and consumers. VOISE, through its innovative platform and the use of new-age technology is attempting to address the problem by cutting out middlemen and optimizing content management and delivery.

The VOISE ecosystem, built using Ethereum protocol is a highly secure and transparent music and digital content distribution and streaming platform with one-of-a-kind model that shares 100% of sale proceeds with the artist – charging zero commission or processing fees. At the same time, the platform also ensures the benefits are passed on to the users in the form of reduced prices.

Many believe that blockchain platforms and cryptocurrencies are complex technological creations which are not easy to use. They believe that for someone to be able to understand the technology and use any such platform should have advanced technical skills. VOISE addresses these apprehensions by providing an easy to use interface and support for multiple cryptocurrencies as well as fiat to make it as good as any other conventional music streaming
service out there in today’s market.

The team behind VOISE have conducted extensive research into the industry to identify the problems. They are implementing these learnings to develop a platform that can address most of the issues. The VOISE ecosystem is powered by its own VOISE ERC20 tokens, which acts as the primary mode of transaction on the platform.

VOISE platform features

  • Engine – Allows users to browse for artists, albums, genres, playlists, or songs by name.
  • Discover – Dedicated section to find new discoveries and recommended content you might want to listen.
  • Top Songs – Lists the top songs of the month based on the number of purchases.
  • Recommended – Recommendations based on purchased content, songs by an artist already listened to, content from the same genre and similar labels, content which users listening to similar content enjoyed.
  • New Releases – Latest release, sorted by date.
  • Genres – Classification of content into genres and user made labels.
  • Playlist - User created list of music containing paid content that hasn’t been purchased. Includes free sample.
  • Radio – Global DAO Radio and Specific genre DAO Radio (explained in section 5)
  • Profile – Relevant information about the user along with option to upload or edit content.

Core Objectives

The main objective of VOISE team is to create a platform that can serve the purposes of both the artists and users. The platform built over Ethereum protocol makes use of smart contracts for automation and provides an easy and cost-effective way to sell and stream music. Unlike other similar platforms, VOISE incorporates a simple yet efficient user interface that allows the users to browse and listen to music just the way they have been doing on conventional music platform. The multi cryptocurrency and fiat support makes the platform even more convenient for the users.

  • Offering Solutions and Opportunities

VOISE is bringing in the tried and tested decentralized application model into the music industry. Until now people had to rely upon third party centralized platforms and with such a model comes the middlemen and intermediaries who charge an additional hefty commission which eats into the earnings of the artists. This in turn also bears an affect on the actual pricing of the music over the streaming service or download platform, to be borne by the users.

The use of blockchain and smart contracts within VOISE makes it possible for the platform to overcome all the challenges thrown at it. Starting with the use of cryptocurrencies alongside fiat and automation of payments and settlements between users and artists. It also helps the platform maintain low operating and transaction costs and to ensure that the platform is accessible to everyone, everywhere.

  • Improving Music Selling Services

The VOISE platform is designed to improve the music industry, especially the content delivery and streaming part. The decentralized platform offers unprecedented levels of flexibility to the main stake holders. By providing complete freedom to artists to upload their tracks and set their own pricing, it encourages more people, both big and small to register on the platform and start selling music. And, the absence of third-parties in the ecosystem reduces cost overheads in the form of commissions, the benefit of which is ultimately passed down to the artists and users.

The payment methods and global nature of the platform owing to the universal nature of the platform’s underlying blockchain and cryptocurrency technology makes it easier for users from anywhere across the world to avail the music streaming service. As the platform makes it easier for artists to sign up, the choice of music available for users is virtually endless.

  • Helping Artists Make a Living

Artists and musicians form the backbone of the music industry and they are in most cases underpaid for their efforts, and their creativity is undervalued. It is mainly because of the conventional, centralized music discovery and streaming platforms that aim to maximize profits. These platforms act as third-party intermediaries, taking a hefty fees and commission from the revenues generated by the sales, which comes from the payment that’s owed to the artists. An artist who takes months or sometimes years to come up with a great album might have to make do with meagre earnings in a conventional setting as they are forced to shell out anywhere between 10% to 40% or more as commissions. If the album sales aren’t that great, then they might as well be left without any money. These conditions make it hard for artists to stay motivated and indulge in their artistic pursuits. VOISE prevents such a scenario by eliminating the need for middlemen and enabling the artists to gain 100% of all the sales proceeds minus any transaction fees incurred over the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Promoting Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology

VOISE is one of the successful cryptocurrency projects of 2017. The platform has introduced blockchain technology into the music industry to encourage the growth of the ecosystem while solving some of the issues regarding the well-being of the artist community. At the same time, the VOISE team has also made it their mission to promote the use of cryptocurrencies among the general public. In order to familiarize people with cryptocurrency usage, they have included support for various payment options alongside the platform’s native VOISE tokens. Even though VOISE tokens remain the primary mode of value exchange on the platform, people can still purchase music using other cryptocurrencies and even fiat. By including fiat payments, VOISE is ensuring that those who are not used to conducting cryptocurrency transactions aren’t left out and at the same time, it also acts as a gateway for them to enter the blockchain and digital currency domain.

The artists and other stakeholders in the music industry also stand to gain some valuable insights from the initiative. As VOISE continues to grow, the leading record labels, production houses and distribution agencies will also start providing their digital content over the platform. And eventually, they are expected to implement distributed ledger solutions in their operations for efficient distribution and to combat piracy.

In the near future, VOISE plans to extend its focus on other forms of digital content as well.

When compared with other popular music streaming and download platforms, VOISE fares well then most of them. A comparison between VOISE, Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp shows the technical superiority as well as user-friendliness of the platform against competition.

As you can see on the table above some of the main features that stand out the most in favor of our platform compared to other conventional services are:

  • Decentralization: Our platform doesn’t host the content in our server but rather in a p2p decentralized network composed by its own users. This makes it extremely secure and privacy friendly.
  • Open source: You can commit the code from our github, take a look at it and compile it yourself. This way you know there’s nothing sketchy hidden in our code.
  • Blockchain backend & payment: You can see every transaction ever done with VSM through a block explorer. Know how much an artist is earning, how much a user has spent,etc. Everyone has access to this information.
  • Streaming & downloading: Many new music related services allow either streaming or downloading only, we at Voise offer both options.
  • Free of subscription: Forget about monthly payments, pay once for your content, enjoy it forever.
  • Multiplatform: The Voise development team is working hard to deliver a client for every platform our users demand, the first to get released will be the web client because it can be accessed from different devices, mobile clients will follow.
  • Artists keep 100%: The original artist of the song gets all the revenue, compared to every other music platform where artist get much less than that.


The VOISE platform is built over Ethereum protocol and uses ERC20 capable native VOISE tokens for transactions on the platform. The Token specifications are as follows

  • Token Name: VOISE Token (VOISE)
  • Total Supply: 825,578,000 VOISE
  • Decimals: 8
  • Contract address: 0x83eEA00D838f92dEC4D1475697B9f4D3537b56E3
  • Supply Style: deflationary
  • Format: ERC20 Compliant
  • Tradable Between Users: Yes

VOISE tokens are already listed on some of the leading exchange platforms. The VOISE team is in the process of getting the tokens listed on more exchanges and soon it will be made available on every leading exchange and trading platform in the cryptocurrency market.


Q1 2018

  • Forging new partnerships in the music and cryptocurrency industries
  • Adding more collaborators on the platform
  • Coinomi Multi-cryptocurrency wallet integration
  • Artist Verification System
  • Launch of VOISE Mobile Client

Q2 2018

  • Inclusion of customization option for users
  • Addition of Podcast section
  • DAO Radio launch
  • Advertising – Phase I
  • Inclusion of instant cryptocurrency exchanges
  • Release of Masternode VX-600K

Q3 2018

  • Implementation of fiat payment support
  • Fiat exchange fee distribution round for token holders
  • Public events and meetups
  • Advertising – Phase II
  • VOISE Explorer “4R-TIST” Launch

For more information please visit :


Author : Kelampok ijo
BTT Profile

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BTC 68152.98
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.86