AIDOC - Beginning of new ERA of medical science
Medical science has done lot of innovations in past many years, and have found cure of lot of diseases. And It will keep doing so in future. But even after so many years of research we still don’t have answer for many of the diseases like cancer, HIV, etc. And there are many new/or upgraded version of previous diseases coming every year, like N1H1 virus.
Reason for the same I believe is medical science/ or scientist not working together. Either because they are located it different different part of the world, or they work for different organization. So by default these scientist cant share the research with each other due to restriction applied by organization.
Human body/individual react differently to medicine, result/response of individual body to medicine may not be same all the time. But Medical science/ scientist doesn’t have access to such user’s/ patient’s data. Doctors not updating or not able to update patient’s data/medical history to a location where it can be accessed from all over the world due to lack of such platform.
If we have platform where users/doctors can save their data and share it with each other, medical organization, research team/scantiest then with the help of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology we can find cure to deadliest disease also in very short time.
This is exactly what AIDOC is doing. AIDOC provides a platform where users/ patients own their data and can easily share/release such to anyone that needs. Using this data medical institute, pharma company can develop cure for any disease.
Well this is not the only benefits of AIDOC, with the help of AI and blockchain technology many things can be possible. Once user updates the data with AIDOC platform then, AIDOC – the smart doctors using AI technology will be able to analyze the data/information shared by user and will give you insight and update of your well-being.
AIDOC can help inventing new medical technologies/tools which can bring result faster and can give us very small details information of patient’s/users body, which in not available today or not possible with today’s technology.
I can say that AIDOC project will bring revolution to medical industry.
For more information on AIDOC you can visit official project site and can access whitepaper -
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