green movement network toke sell
Please read the following information carefully.
Exchange Information
GMV will be listed on exchange by April 2018 (First exchange listing)
Our planned exchanges include Kucoin, Yobit, Bit-z, CoinExchange and some reputable exchanges.
GMV will be listed on at least 4 exchanges before Q4 2018.
10% GMV Crowdsale Information
GMV price is pegged at $0.05
Minimum contribution is 0.05 ETH
Contribution Bonus
1 ETH and above will receive 30% bonus (You’ll be listed as a “Notable Environmentalist“)
0.50 – 0.99 ETH will receive 20% bonus
0.1 – 0.499 ETH will receive 10% bonus
0.05 – 0.09 ETH will receive 5% bonus
You will receive your GMV token within 12 hours
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