ADZbuzz Passive Income Club

in #crypto-news9 years ago

I'm happy to announce that the ADZbuzz ad server has started serving its first ads. the system is built so we can expand easily and soon new ad zones will be added for advertisers to promote products, services or affiliate programs. From now on all ads will get accepted or denied within 24 hours by our team.

We will not allow to promote revshares or any other low quality MMO offers. The reaon for denial will be added when this happens. You can promot affiliate links or CPA offers though.

To get started make sure to get the lifelong traffic offer:

This is just the first version and we will now focus on completely restructure ADZbuzz to preapre for the big launch and promo's in the mainstream media. The focus will mostly switch from the earning potential of the upgrade offer to creating a high quality platform people will use to discover high quality content.

To recap what we have been discussing with the development team:

-> Adzbuzz will consist out of 3 tabs:

  1. The main timeline
    Here people wll be able to discover high quality content targeted to their interests. You can choose specific categories and the content that gets shared through the ADZbuzz, our social share feature will appear here. An ingenious algorythm that uses several metrics to determine the quality of the content will be implemented to display only the highest quality content, making the main timeline the perfect place to start the day for millions of people. The site's homepage will basically look like a news site with different elements.

  2. The groups/pages timeline
    Here we will create a regular timeline that displays the content from all the groups and pages you have joined. This will be the perfect place for online merchants to not only increase their audience, but also directly sell products to ADZbuzz users. People will be able to pay for products with the click of a button using ADZbuzzPay and the Adbuzz web wallet. A platform where nearly everybody has ADZ in their wallet makes it the perfect place to build an audience, which is the method we will use to attract thousands of merchants who will accept ADZ in their business. We will also make it super easy for merchants to invite their customers to their group and integrate the affiliate program into this.

  3. The ADZbuzz lounge
    This will be the timeline that is currently the main timeline where people who need help and encouragement can post and which will basically serve as a "help desk" something most social media platforms seriously lack. Everything related to ADZcoin will be allowed here to give everybody super fast the info they need.

-> ADZbuzz ads will serve laser targeted ads

As mentioned we will seriously expand the ADZbuzz ad server and give everybody the opportuity to advertise to the right audience. Every tab inside the Adzbuzz platform will have options to advertise in a different way. There will be:

  • Contextual ads like google
  • Sponsored posts
  • Promoting groups or pages
  • Getting more followers
  • Targeting based on numerous metrics

-> ADZbuzzer + Wordpress plugin

As soon as our social share feature is ready we will give ADZcoin the purpose it was created for. Every website that has social share buttons currently active will be able to add the ADZbuzzer with the click of a button using a Wordpress plugin or simple code. This button will not only help drive more traffic to high quality publisher's websites, but also earn them ADZcoins. What will happen is that the revenue generated from numerous features and platforms created by the Adzcoin project will be distributed to people that share the content and the publishers.

-> Adzbuzz upgrade becomes "Buzz Power"

The amount earned will be determined by the amount of "Buzz Power" you have, which will be the rebranded name of the upgrade offer. There will be numerous levels so people can grow their account and it will be mandatory for everybody to share content daily in order to earn from the revenue distribution. This will be hugely beneficial for both the publishers and Adzbuzz.

The second aspect of Buzz Power is that the more you have, the more your shares will determine which content gets displayed on the ADZbuzz homepage. Every content that gets shared will get homepage time, but content that gets shared more by people with high Buzz power will get extra time and exposure. This will make it beneficial for all publishers to encourage them to share their content, making the concept go viral super fast. It's also an incentive for them to encourage their audience to buy more Buzz Power, as it will earn them more affiliate commissions and give their shares more value to drive more traffic!

-> Notification feature will be added soon

Just like any other social platform, you'll get the option to either receive notifications or not. This feature can be used to contact your referrals through PM to end more info about the system and they will receive notification that they received a PM. As mentioned everybody wll be able to easily turn this off in the settings page.

-> IMPORTANT: income opportunity gets replaced

Once we are ready with restructuring Adzbuzz and creating the ADZbuzzer, we will mainly focusing on promoting ADZbuzz to its target audience, namely the publishers and merchants. Many people have asked us how we will make people switch from using facebook to using ADZbuzz. The answer is very simple: We will focus on a quality platform and use leverage to promote it.

  • Web publishers will promote the ADZbuzzer because it highly benefits them when people share their content.
  • Online merchants can easily invite their audience to join their ADZBuzz groups and insta-sell to people with the click of a button.

We will not try to convince the mainstream public to join ADZbuzz, we will let the web publishers and merchants do this for us. Because this fact we will mass contact millions of web publishers and merchants using B2B automation software as soon as the ADZbuzzer and restructuring is ready. The amount of exposure will be huge!

That's it for now, we just keep on developing the features I mentioned and then we start the promo's. Anybody can determine for himself whether or not upgrading their ADZbuzz account and getting more Buzz Power will be lucrative for himself. We don't really need to convince anybody our concept is unique, innovative and bound to explode when we finalize what we have in store.

There is no way that with this concept that there won't be millions of publishers integrating the ADZbuzzer to their site before the end of this year. It's a no-brainer to do so if they are interested in more traffic and revenue.

If you have any more questions or suggestions, check the help desk http://adzbuzzhelp or

Have a great day!

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