Stock exchange with a turnover of $ 1.5 trillion enters the market of cryptocurrencies
The Swiss Stock Exchange SIX announced the launch of a fully regulated exchange cryptocurrency. SIX Digital Exchange will be regulated by the National Bank of the country and FINMA financial regulator and will become the world's first crypto-exchange, which simultaneously provides trade settlement and depositary services.
The SIX Stock Exchange, which has a common trading space with Deutsche Börse AG and Eurex, is the third-largest stock conglomerate after NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ OMX and has a turnover of $ 1.5 trillion.
According to the Director General of SIX, Jos Deiselhoff, the creation of a crypto-exchange site is "the beginning of a new era for capital markets infrastructures." Trades on the SIX Digital Exchange will begin in the first half of 2019.
This is a good news to all those that have invested on cryptocurrency . REMEMBER IT IS NOT LATE.