What crypto to buy?
we are trying to increase our holdings in crypto the next future
We switch the strategy as we did not want to increase crypto and gold to a higher value of 2% of our assets. I mean 2% each, not together. We speak in the family about finances and we decide together on the next steps, what we do and what moves we make.
We decided to increase the holdings to 5% of our assets into crypto and 5% into gold/silver. Of course not now or next week as we need some liquidity for worst case scenarios.
So, we think what to buy. Our bet would be BTC, as we are holders, not traders. The other coins are to volatile for my taste. The bots are much better at trading than a human and a very deep knowledge is needed on the team and the product.
I have some stocks, but I will not buy anymore anytime soon. Here I invested in firms that I understand and also can explain in less than 30 seconds on what they do. One such company is McDonalds for example. It is easy to see what they do and why the dominate the market. I don't use them just hold their stocks.
What crypto would you buy and why? If you can explain in some sentence, I would be thankful.