CORONA THE VIRUS-It has spread across
It has already spread across the Globe #Better is to prevent it, By this we all understand that Cleanliness is very important and More other than that we should be conscious of what's happening around and rather help each other out with correct measures and other prevention methods by this we could end this Bio chemical War Done by China More than 1lakh people are being effected and 75%of them are already dead and More to spread within. So be Home and Stay at home this is the Only way to cure Be in Lock down and Its Your life and more than there's nothing So please be Conscious for certain day thats all is nessary to destroy the virus all around and the vaccine made By china Costs nearly Around Rs20000 in india so far they haven't released To the market and again it teaches a lesson The Virus in The year 2004 "SARS" was Familiar to this virus at that time the virus affected to more than 5500 people and due to the vaccine created for that virus Caught into the hand (means Released ) took nearly 1lakh lives