Should A Government Regulate Certain Kinds Of Advertising, Cypto related??

in #crpto6 years ago (edited)

Should A Government Regulate Certain Kinds Of Advertising for example crypto?

Yes. Advertisement should be regulated by the government due to some of the critics tat are associated with its major elements. One of the major aspects that government should regulate the advertisement is code of conduct since some of the marketers may oblige the code of ethics with a separate section that do not relate either to that particular product or to services.  This will charge the government a role f monitoring, policing and enforcing the code of conduct on ads. 

Advertisement being one of the most visible aspects of business will always invite people to try certain products and the company will be risking the critics of attack that could be displacing the offending of the product. The challenge is how to measures for the advertised promises with the company reputation (Twitchell, 1991).
Advertisements have been widely criticized due to the wide range of sin that some are imagined and others are real. There are society impact of advertising that need government interference and control of the advertisement made. Mainly, the protection of consumer is the major role for government control of the adverts. In consumer concern, most of the critics are that advertisements are deceptive or manipulative. The advert critic focuses on social and environmental impact with long-term macro argument (Manzur, Uribe, Hidalgo, Olavarrieta, & Farías, 2012).
Within the social aspect of adverts, the information that is offered could be incomplete and have absence of externalities that could be on the ground of sex, race and even gender.
In fact, the social issues that will be debated by the advertisement will be that it tends to violate the basic economic principles. Some of the economic perceptions that are influenced by the advertisement features are on value system, offensiveness, competitions and price changes. Advertising by it nature doe not offer complete information and it is biased in the favor of advertisers and their brand. People think advertisers are proud of their product but do not mind if they are puff a little.
On the other side, advertisements degrade the value system of the economy and government should intervene to regulate the promotion of hedonistic and materialistic way of life. Advertisement encourages people to buy more that what they need. This destroys the essence of “citizen democracy” and replaces it with a self-oriented consumer democracy.
Advertisement manipulates people decision to buy thing by playing their emotional minds and having greater promises, status, social acceptance and sex appealing. Advertisement may make people to adopt harmful behaviors and making poor decision especially when buying. The argument of the advertisement exaggerated the power and most of the Americans are expressing on a healthy skepticism. Few percentages of US consumer view advertisements a main source of information that assist in passing a decision of what will be bought. This perhaps has been the cause of failure in advertised products mainly in the market place. Advertiser will spend million of cash trying to convince the audience to buy product that will make them sexier, healthier and more successful which in real sense it could not.



Riley, E. (2001). Advertisement for E. Riley, Musical Instrument Maker, Music Engraver, Printer and Publisher. New York
Solomon, J. (1988). Master of Desire: The Culture Of American Advertising. American Paradox.California. Pp 542-552
Twitchell, JB. (1991). What We Are To Advertisers. Creating Consumers: Brought To You To Buy. California. PP 181-186

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