CrowdliToken - The Solution To Real Estate Investment

The solitary power behind the trendy technology known as "Blockchain" is still in the business of disrupting traditional and modern models of business and investments. Recently, this disruptive tool has made its way into real estate investment. With the help of smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, CROWDLITOKEN (CRT) will effortlessly unravel the inefficiencies and illiquidity of the traditional model in terms of real estate investment.
Before the arrival of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, the idea of investing in real estate was mainly seen as the act of forking out enormous funds to buy a property or properties with hopes that such property will make more money than they cost to run. Nevertheless, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are here to disrupt this model forever.
That said, there are numerous promises that come with real estate investment, such as:
- Real estate appreciation
- Steady income
- Tax benefits
- Inflation
- You are your own decision maker etc.
All these promises are stable and serve as an avenue for steady income since it appreciates. That said, getting involved with this kind of investment isn't a game for all.
In actuality, CROWDLITOKEN is here to change the game forever. With the implementation of its security token, that platform will seamlessly resolve the problems facing real estate investment. Since CROWDLITOKEN leverages on blockchain technology, it's users will be vulnerable with easy access, liquidity, transparency, and friendly user case.
The idea of adding a security token to the platform is the fact security tokens play a much crucial role in terms of property investment. In other words, security tokens are tradeable assets such as warrants, notes, bonds, stocks, and debentures.
Interestingly, these security tokens are heavily regulated by the government, this is because the tokens are vulnerable to rights such as; voting and debt securities. The aftermath of these rights will give token holders a stake or interest in whatever asset the token holds.
In accordance with their official whitepaper, they tagged the platform as 'Generation Crowd", this is because the platform offers a rebellious form of investment into real estate investment. What's more, CrowdliToken has no minimum investment, as such, users are free to invest as much as they want with Fiat or cryptocurrencies in a flexible, transparent, and profitable manner.
These are the vision and values the platform promises it's users as stated in their whitepaper:
CROWDLITOKEN provides a disruptive pattern of real estate investment that acts as a bridge between direct and indirect investments.
Unlike other real estate investment policies, CROWDLITOKEN offers a solution upon which investors can invest as much as they want with FIAT or cryptocurrencies.
Lastly, CROWDLITOKEN acts as a leading-edge in the real estate investment industry. However, with the solitary power of blockchain technology, the platform will revolutionize the traditional and digital investments into a perfect blend all thanks to Blockchain Technology.
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