$50 in FARM rewards for the #CropSpotter Twitter Giveaway. The $50 in FARM rewards for the Twitter Giveaway will be split between 10 users with $5 in FARM each
$50 in FARM rewards for the #CropSpotter Twitter Giveaway. The $50 in FARM rewards for the Twitter Giveaway will be split between 10 users with $5 in FARM each.
The rewards will be split between users who:
Tweet a tweet using both the hashtag #CropSpotter and the hashtag #Publish0x and follow both @Publish0x and Harvest Finance @harvest_finance Twitter accounts.
Write the most original tweets in our estimation.
Just follow the Twitter Giveaway rules and get lucky!
At least 4 of the Twitter rewards will go to authors who participate in this contest and tweet their posts to the world!