Martial Law Rolls Out Across the US As Jubilee Nears

As we enter into the last week before the end of the Jubilee Year, the National Guard has been deployed in Charlotte, North Carolina and massive military convoys have been deployed in the streets of New York City.
This is a continuation of last summer’s Jade Helm seven-state military exercise that many in the area saw as a prelude to military occupation. After Jade Helm came the US Army Special Operations Command's Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16) that ran in Texas through June.
And now, after yet another police shooting in Charlotte, the city’s bus and light rail services ceased after midnight. New Yorkers would recognize this kind of action as they have been exposed to their own occupation following recent Manhattan bombings. Tanks, humvees and other kinds of military vehicles and equipment flooded the city, leaving behind shocking pictures of a city under siege..
Much was similar, though one difference between Manhattan and Charlotte was George Soros, who has made a habit of funding the provocations that the government then responds to. He obviously had a hand in the Charlotte riots that were precipitated by Soros-assisted Black Lives Matter.
Back in June, we covered Wikileaks exposure of the elite’s pre-planned “summer of chaos” when whistleblowers provided numerous documents illuminating Soros’ role with dedicated agitation from BLM.
Remember Deray Mckesson? He was the former BLM leader who had two of his email accounts hacked revealing that the Soros-backed social justice group was working with the Obama regime. The idea, he suggested, was to create so much chaos that martial law could be declared and elections canceled.
According to financial records and key players in the Ferguson Missouri protests, billionaire Soros donated $33 million to community organizers and organizations who helped turn the events there from a local protest into a politicized and televised race “crisis”.
Now there’s further evidence of George the puppet master along with his “open-borders” foundation, have been facilitating unrest.
Charlotte, North Carolina, is merely the latest riot-destination for his paid protesters, but one that comes with compelling evidence of his involvement.
About 70% of the rioters arrested had out of state IDs. No doubt they traveled to Charlotte in buses paid for by Soros.
In a CNN interview. Todd Walther, the spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police, told Erin Burnett, “This is not Charlotte that's out here. These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals.”
Yes, criminals - funded by a criminal. The most ridiculous aspect of these “peaceful protests” as CNN and MSNBC continue to call them, is that they are not protests. They are riots.
The rioting is obvious. “Protesters” broke into the Charlotte Hornets’ team store to steal basketball merchandise. “Protesters” looted the NASCAR Hall of Fame. “Protesters” vandalized and destroyed buses, stores and homes in poor black neighborhoods.
That’s probably how Soros lured them. He let it be known that looting would be the main “protest” in Charlotte.
When it comes to globalism and globalists, we don’t rule anything out. To the elites behind all of this - and Soros is just an employee - this is all a sick game. They actually enjoy controlling the sheeple and then laughing at their inability to recognize who’s manipulating them.
This is not going away with the end of the Jubilee Year in October or even with the end of 2016. It’s just getting started - and the false flags are growing more numerous. They feed the growing militarization around the country.
After the false flag shooting that occurred in Dallas, for instance, where the assailant was supposedly bombed by a drone before any information could be extracted from him, the NYPD was compelled to purchased $7.5 million worth of military grade protection equipment and weapons for themselves.
The NYPD officer from what Bloomberg called “the world’s 7th largest army,” even took pride in his force’s purchasing of these weapons and armor, saying, “There's not a police department in America that is spending as much money or as much thought and interest on this issue of officer safety.”
Just what kinds of scenarios are these officers envisioning? If it weren’t for the camouflage it would be nearly impossible to differentiate between them and the actual military.
None of this seems to matter to Americans who don’t even bat an eye at these “troops” on their streets. Many, dumbed down by the fluoride in the water and in government schools, and propagandized by the mainstream media television programming, actually cheer when they see their very own forces of occupation.
Most of them are unaware of the existence of Posse Comitatus - the part of their constitution that used to prohibit troops on their streets in times of peace - let alone it’s nullification back in 2006, which made declaring martial law even easier in the event of a “terrorist attack” or “natural disaster”.
Americans are too busy watching sitcoms and fake news to figure out the disaster headed in their direction. And the ones that do figure it out are supposed to be discouraged by people like Soros.
That’s why there are so many news reports featuring Soros. And that’s why he’s never been arrested, by the way.
They want you to understand all the bad things he’s doing. And they want you to be clear on one thing: He can keep on doing it with impunity. No one is going to stop him. He’s going to continue his agitations until chaos rises up around the world.
The elites behind this world-shaping gambit want you to be thoroughly discouraged. They want to emotionally paralyze you.
There is violence and strife looming and it’s all being planned to control you. The elites intend to steal your wealth and livelihood by any means necessary. Stay one step ahead of them by getting your money out the financial system while you still can. To help your family and yourself survive and prosper through the collapse of the dollar, check out my book Shemitah Trends on Amazon or become a subscriber and receive the book free here.
We are now exactly one week from the end of the Jubilee year. Will something else happen before or on that date? Perhaps not. But, as we’ve described all year, all the pieces for continued chaos have been put in place.
And it won’t stop after October 2nd either. In fact, it looks like it is just getting started.

The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them's dead.
The problem with your story is that there are entirely too many players with conflicting interests, none of which benefit in any way from a country in disarray for any of this conspiracy bullshit to be anymore than bullshit.
The truth is poor people will rob and steal and so will reach people. The mob mentality is powerful and once a mob is incited it's hard to put down.
It's human wildfire, because calmer heads can't prevail over the noise of those who believe themselves entitled to the fruits of another's labor.
I'd buy what you were selling if you quit spinning this global conspiracy angle. You're right about things that are happening but you sound like someone off their meds when you start spouting nonsense like George Soros is trying to get elections over thrown.
Here's a fact, he's the single largest backer of several open source voting initiatives including one that is seeking to use blockchain technology to put democracy back into the hands of the people.
It's easy to demonize someone when they have more than you. But keep in mind an armed revolt is the last thing congress wants on it's hands. The National Guard aren't some fucking Jackbooted Stasi going to raid your house for supplies.
They're Joe the mechanic down the road who fixes your car and says to tell the wife and kids hello. They're Melissa the gal at the checkout stand who loaned you a couple bucks because you forgot your wallet at home.
They're the ones that will risk their lives to come get you when your house is flooded by the worst storm in a century and they will stand to protect your home when rioters come to burn it down because of your skin color or day job.
They will do this because they are your friends and your neighbors.
They have a job to do right now. It's the worst job in the world for anyone in the military.
They are faced with the nightmare situation of choosing who to shoot in order to protect your grocery store, your car, your home, your property, your life, you.
They have to do this, because you don't have the guts to be there standing up next to them and telling the rioters that this isn't right.
My advice, get out there and stand for what's right.
Great comment.
Not only the conspiracy theories here are more than doubtful, but the description of the facts sounds like a product of someone's imagination!
I live in NYC and I haven't seen how "military vehicles and other equipment flooded the streets"! Yes, there were police cars after the explosion in Chelsea and the 23rd street subway station was not working... But come on, it's not a martial law or however you call it!
And it was the same with the post about Putin preparing for a nuclear war couple of weeks ago. I quoted the passage about russians waking up to the military alarms in the city to my friends in Moscow and they had a lot of fun:)
To be fair, I live in NYC and was at the Chelsea bombing. I also watched 9/11 from the river. There was indeed martial law in mine and the surrounding towns for the day during 9/11. Now I regularly see military patrolling 42nd street, armed. Also other places. I haven't seen any extra groups of men with high powered assault rifles in a day or two, but they roam the subways whenever some celebrity politician shows up, and the recent UN meetings saw streets that didn't belong to the UN cordoned off and just swarming with every alphabet agency out there. Should've taken a picture for you, Jeff.
I'm not throwing my opinion on either side, just sharing what I observe as witness.
I see your point - haven't been there (luckily!) at the moments of attacks, so I probably didn't see the full police operation that followed. My overall impression is that NYC is a city flooded by police and security at any time, not that it is specifically preparing for some thouroghly planned attack.
There are many things going on here, and especially as the elections are approaching, the security forces are multiplied, I think this is very expected.
But again, this is just my personal and uninformed opinion)
I like how you stand up for the national guard. I have enough people i know serving "part-time" in the guard and "volunteer" for those tough jobs you speak of.
They also barely make min. Wage after all the time they put in.
Good post +1
Couldn't agree more.
Thanks for being a voice of reason. I die a little inside every time I see TDV's self-serving FUD hit the front page.
you might want to pull you head out of there. your choice.
My understanding is that Soros (Sauron?) is an ideologue, which can be more dangerous than a power player with ill intent because he genuinely thinks he's working to make the world a better place for everyone.
I have to say, @dollarvigilante I think it is a bit much to assume or even suggest that Soros is filling buses with angry, violent black men by telling them that they will be able to loot. Black citizens are being slain in the streets - not too hard to get them on a bus to go protest. If anything, those "protesters" are just as manipulated as anyone else.
I think the most powerful thing we can do is, as you mention when referring to the National Guard, build social capital. Get to know people, spread good will. I don't mean give away money, even just acknowledging a homeless person makes them feel so much less like a complete pile of shyte - because everyone else is averting their eyes. United we stand, divided we fall.
Just gonna say this... this site can now be the MSM -- Main STEEM Media. God bless ya Jeff. Truth based people targeted daily as we know. Stay safe.
I landed on one of the live streams of the protest in Charlotte when it was happening, as I'm not from America, it just seemed extreme to why there was police with shields, and guns on the street all standing in a line, just seemed very weird and pre notioned .
One of your best pieces ever, Jeff. But, alas, here at steemit you're preaching to the choir. Most likely.
Be that as it may, I feel confident that I benefit more, and am more likely to find, rule of law here in Mainland China than in the US these days. Haven't the tables turned?
Boiling frogs back home don't believe me. Just wait.
Saw it on the news before the Panthers game, ironically enough. Have to guide the people into the boxcars with the allure of security and protection.
Funny-- I didn't hear a thing on See BS news! ;)
@therealpaul @dollarvigilante - Exactly! why we don't here this on the News??
I've been wondering for a long time if Obama would use current events as an excuse to declare martial law nationwide, in order to cancel the elections. We've already seen that Congress is too spineless to oppose him, while our military are willing to obey his unlawful orders to attack other countries that haven't attacked us. If Obama were to try this sort of trick, I could see him getting away with it.
The cops stand there with riot shields like idiots creating more tension throwing tear gas...If they want to make themselves useful why don't they guard the store fronts that get robbed? Think about it....They form lines in front of people doing nothing then the real criminals are free to run around looting and destroying people property... The stupidity of it all is INCREDIBLE!!!