
Apple co-founder exults Bitcoin and Ethereum and says he will work with Blockchain.
Steve Wozniak, cofounder of the world's most valuable company, Apple, said he will explore Blockchain technology and spoke again with enthusiasm of Bitcoin in an interview with Nulltx during his participation in the ChainXchange conference on 13, 14 and 15 August, in Las Vegas, in the States.

"Bitcoin caught my attention because it had many unusual aspects to any technology I had ever heard of, such as its hidden creator, a decentralized, math-based system, and a certain number of cryptomoeda that may exist," Wozniak said. addressed by a reporter.

The Apple co-founder emphasized his love of mathematics. For him, science is like nature:

"[Mathematics] is much better than human beings ... I rely on these things of nature more than on what man does. The man invents coins, controls them, and issues new US dollars every year. I saw that Bitcoin was immune to this. "

Wozniak, who is an electrical engineer and programmer, also talked about the strangeness that Bitcoin's underlying technology, Blockchain, caused to him as soon as he began to hear about it.

"I did not understand her. It's not something you understand in a day. And then you get to read and think about how it works and realize how it's actually used by people, the mining process, the verification and ... pah! It all started to make sense, "he said.

The engineer, who founded Apple along with legendary Steve Jobs and corporate administrator Ronald Wayne, underscored the independence of the new financial system and compared it to the moment he met the internet. He said he was very amazed.
"Blockchain and crypto-coins remind me a lot of the early days of the internet, when I saw new things every day, like retail sales, cars, real estate, Uber ... And now you see people working on Bitcoin apps. Everything has value, "recalled Wozniak, who also revealed, for the first time, that he is about to explore Blockchain technology.

"I'm involved. Very soon I will start my first participation in a blockchain company called Equi. "

He said that the 'Equi' approach will not be in creating a new [crypto] currency or something to speculate on, but around stock control. According to him, the company has drawn the attention of major investors who employ capital in Dubai.

Wozniak said they are likely to talk about the project at the Bitcoin and Blockchain conference in Malta in October. He believes that some countries are giving the same importance to blockchains as they did in the time of electric car projects.

Visionary, Wozniak ended the interview by talking about the Ethereum platform. According to him, witnessing thousands of companies developing their own applications, is remembering what Apple has always offered to developers.

"Ethereum provides the tools for a blockchain application of your choice ... and that's how I see more people using Ethereum, but Bitcoin is still digital gold," he noted.

Ethereum will be the next Apple
In mid-May this year, Steve Wozniak said at a conference in Vienna, Austria, that Ethereum could be the next Apple, because its platform "can do things".

Last year, at the Money20 / 20 conference, he shared his opinion on Bitcoin, saying that the crypto-currency was better than gold and the US dollar.

He said the fiat money could be printed as governments and central bankers wished, and that this would be impossible with Bitcoin.

Wozniak also pointed out that gold, on the other hand, may even have a finite amount as well, however, with each passing day a more efficient way of extracting it from the earth is found.

Explaining better, and again extolling math, he said:

"There is a finite amount of bitcoin that may exist. Gold can be mined endlessly. Perhaps there is a finite amount of gold in the world, but Bitcoin is regulated by mathematics and no one can change mathematics. "

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