Become a millionaire while you have a virtual life
What better than to become a millionaire in real life, with real dollars, while in real life you do nothing at all and play with money and virtual investments?
It seems like a fairy tale, but it is the pure truth. I'll tell you how you can become a millionaire, investing in virtual currencies. Without any real investment (Well maybe a little if) But you decide when to invest and when not.
What is this rare business specifically?
It is to invest in crypto-visas, virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ripple, etherum,
monero, etc .. you decide what to invest, it's your business, your decisions
What do I need to start?
-Very powerful video plates
-Light and stable internet and light
-A bank account
-Being over 18 years
I really do not care WHAT IS THIS, I care how it WORKS
Basically you must first generate (Minar) a crypto, you generate it from your house, with your computor
Can I use the comodore 64?
No, not really, and you can not even with a PC half hair. You need a High PC Gamer Master Race. You basically need VERY POWERFUL VIDEO PLATES, to do this,
I speak of monsters with 4 GB minimum and 256 Bits and double cooler (RX 470 minimum) And as much as possible 2, but you will be a long time. Having so many plates, will also require a good source. And even if you have a lot of money, you have to take stock of how much light will come (if you're hanging on the light this is your business without hesitation), since the plates have to be running all the time without stopping.
Suppose I already have the hardware, what do I have to do?
Find a tutorial on how to mine. Some coins recommended for mining are:
mainly Bitcoin direct, although it is not recommended
Then Monero maybe,
Etherum or Etherum classic
or LiteCoin.
Zcash is another option
You must find out what is best for you to mine, and download the correct program, I leave that to your discretion because the post would be excessively long and does not work.
Well I already have the hardware and I know what currency I'm going to "mine" now?
First, you have to leave this web page all the time in your browser, it is the page of the cryptospray bag, it will tell you which ones go down and how much they go down.
Second, once you learn to mine, you must mine a certain amount of that currency, to be generous and with how high things are (January 2018) With leaving the PC 15 days running without stopping mining that currency should rise to begin ).
Third, once you have something of that currency, (Put Monero for example), you transfer your moneros to the page that is where you will make all the investments, HITBTC
And now?
Find yourself a tutorial on how to use this page because when you take your hand it is easy, but at the beginning it is fucked up.
On this page you can buy and sell many crypto currencies.
If I am already an engineer, and now?
And now comes the best part:
Suppose you mined the entire Monero month, and you have 0.5 Monero.
1) You transfer it from where you mined it, to HITBTC
2) Right there, you have to sell it, to transform it into Bitcoin, which would be the universal currency to buy other currencies.
3) Once sold (which is almost instantaneous) With Bitcoins in hand, Purchase another currency, which checking the first page that I passed you will see.
4) Suppose that this week Litecoin collapsed, and went down from 200 dollars to 100 dollars. Then, with those bitcoins, you buy Litecoin.
5) And do not do anything else, it is likely that the Litecoin in a not very long time, stabilizes again at 200 dollars, then you invested 100 dollars, and you have already earned 100 dollars.
6) Do that with the amount you want, with the currency you want.
As you can see, you do not invest real dollars, you invest your time and light of mining.
How long do I take to see big profits?
Economists say that criptodivsas have a big change every 6 months, every 6 months you will notice significant changes. On November 15, 2017, for example. The etherum was 260 dollars.
In mid-December, it exceeded $ 1000 ... Look what you do.
This is a true bet?
It's not so much a bet, it's more like investing in a stock market, but a virtual stock market
Well, how do I charge in real currency? DOLLARS?
Once you already have a big difference in both profit-investment. You sell those coins (Litecoin for example) To Bitcoin, on that same HITBTC page. Once you have the bitcoins, you transfer them to a page that allows you to locally sell your Bitcoin and give you your local currency or even dollars.
And tell me what page the bitch that bore you
Satoshitango is one, LocalBitcoins is another
The second is the one that I use, although many use the first one. In the second I can sell to someone by bank transfer the bitcoins to your local coin, your country depends, you can do it in your local currency. in this step you need the bank account, since it is by bank transfer, with CBU.
Anyway, localbitcoins (at least in Argentina) It allows you to do face to face with an employer, who even pay you in dollars, I never did, but I saw that the option.