Who is more familiar with the crypt. Poor Russians or rich
Conducted a study and found that most Russians do not know anything about cryptocurrency. Moreover, there are more such people among the rich than among the poor Russians.
Despite the increased interest in the topic of cryptocurrency during 2018, only 44% of respondents are familiar with the concept of crypt. The others said they did not know what it was.
Approximate idea of what cryptocurrency have 31% of Russians. Among the survey participants from the low-income group (less than 10 thousand rubles per family member), this figure was 38%, and among the high-income group (from 25 thousand rubles per family member) - 26%.
Only 13% of respondents know and understand the topic of cryptocurrency well. These are mainly young people - in the group from 18 to 24 years old (27%), and also in the group of 25-31 (21%). The survey also showed that men twice as many women are aware of digital money - 18% against 9% of respondents.
However, the majority (87%) of Russians do not plan to acquire cryptocurrency. Only 2% of respondents have it, and the remaining 11% are not averse to buying. Most Russians (76%) who purchased a cryptocurrency reported that they bought it for the purpose of earning money. Moreover, more than half of them noted that they had achieved their financial goals.