Rioting is not the answer.
When an injustice happens it's pretty rare that there's a simple way to correct it, hold the right people accountable, and, even if there is one person who clearly did something evil, it's rare that we as individuals can get our hands on that person. So, it's kinda human nature to take our frustration and anger out on who or what is in front of us.
So, when people are lighting fires, smashing windows, generally destroying property, and looting, because they're angry about what they believe to be racial injustice and unneeded police violence, I understand it. Still, this is another thing that I understand but still despise. You don't right a wrong by committing another wrong. Walter Wallace Jr. isn't going to come back because you stole a dryer during a riot in response to an entirely justified shooting.
Still, if you've been defending the riots, by all means keep making your dumb arguments; but, kindly dismount your high horses.
There is no way that a person who lit a car on fire to protest the Jacob Blake shooting has done more good for criminal justice reform than any of my friends who work in criminal defense, or, dare I say, me. The keyboard warriors who like to celebrate or defend the rioters while condemning those of us who criticize the riots are just as useless as the rioters with the added trait of cowardice.
Even if my years of activism pushing against overcriminalization, civil asset forfeiture, etc. ultimately result in moving nothing forward I'd like to think that I at least made the attempt to do something constructive to influence positive change.
Everything is more productive than lighting dumpsters on fire and pushing over porta potties. Giving five dollars a year to the Innocence Project makes you an infinitely better advocate for criminal justice reform and the safeguarding of innocent black lives than any rioter.
Keyboard warriors ARE more powerful than rioters. If we extend it to "quilt" warriors, that's how great movement (for good or bad) are created.