Anger is what fuels the alcohol. The more angry one is the more alcohol one is prone to use. Careful not to get stuck being always angry. Learn to let go and get over the past. The punishment must fit the crime. Better yet, leave punishment to God. After all, who is innocent before God only he knows.
Call police if you have to but to take upon yourself to be the judge and executioner is a dangerous road leading to hell. Look at it as a test that you have to pass, and to do it you should be more wiser and composed in your reactions to the situations you being tested with, not letting it all loose, drama et al, full of emotions and little to no rational clear thinking.
Violence begets violence. What you sow is what you reap. Golden Rule. For every action there is equal opposite reaction. Don't do unto others what you want not for yourself. Treat others as you yourself like to be treated. Love one another as God loves you. ♡
"Leave vengeance to God, more important to him are those who are upright in their heart than a sacrifice of an ox by a wrongdoer." Deathbed dvise of an Egyptian King to his son, around IV dynasty, forgot the rest of the details. The original quote had gods instead of God.
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