They Stole My Little Boys Bike! 😣

in #crime7 years ago

There is nothing quite as sad as seeing a tear fall down the cheek of a child whose had something stolen from them.

My little boy was getting ready to go on an adventure around the neighborhood, as usual when we discovered the bad news.

Matthew gave me a kids clicked the buckle on his helmet strap and bolted out the front door in an excited blue.

15 seconds later he burst back in through the door.
His bike was gone.

Really?!?!? The bike was out front for 5 minutes and it was stolen! 😣

This is how my boy gets to school and back 2 out of 5 schooldays each week. This is often the bike I would use to go to the corner store - it’s a vehicle to us. I hate having anything stolen from my little boy, it makes me hurt in a way that I can’t explain.

Have you ever had something taken? How did it make you feel and how did you handle it? I can’t get him another bike right now, it’s simply not possible - so as much as I appreciate the idea- please don’t suggest it.
I want to know how I can console my little guy.

Here is a photo of him on the bike before it was stolen, he is so handsome.598064A0-4FF1-4870-9A1E-F57999799A82.jpeg


This is unfortunate. Matt my boy, this is how wicked the world can be. However, boy your next bike will be better than the stolen one. Be happy. Lori I pray for a wallet miracle to get a replacement for Matt.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't remember a time when I had something stolen. It sounds terrible though, especially for a kid. Can you travel back in time and unscrew the tires so when the person tries to steal it the tires fall off and they crash?

I'm sorry to hear about the bike. In childhood kids have attachment to things even the little ones. They can't express it but it's part of their life and looks like the bike was part of your life too. I know it must be tough when something we love is taken from us. I was getting very angry while reading your post and many abusive words are floating on my mind for that bloody thief. I need you to calm your boy first and tell him about that you will get him another bike so he won't be panic. and also do file the complaint. @lorilikes

Only someone very sick in the head will steal from a child. Unfortunately there are some opportunists waiting to pounce when people let their guard down.

You can tell your little boy about my experience and may be it will help ease his pain. I went to boarding school when I was 5 years old and in my first week there, some kid (or adult) stole my beloved doll. There were about 2000 kids in this boarding school and it had four different buildings so the school was quite big for a five year old and I just didn't know who to tell about my pain. I tried to tell one of the teachers who simply ignored me by saying "You must have misplaced it". It was a depressing start at this new place and it took me a while to come to terms that I won't be able to get it back and I have to let go. I think when someone steals from us we feel violated and that just makes us angry and at the same time a sense of helplessness sinks in.

I think you can just listen to how your son feels about the incident and hug him as this is just one of those bitter experiences of life. As much as we hate it, life teaches us these things to help us avoid greater loss in future (at least that's what I've been told). See if there is anything positive he can take out of this experience, he has a loving mum by his side to comfort him in times of trouble.

Thank you for your perspective, doll. A great way to look at things. 🦋

Awe....this is a unfortunate turn of events and I'm so sorry your son's cool bike got stolen. My Schwinn StingRay got ripped off in the 1970's and it was a hard thing to get over. Mom softened the blow a bit by explaining that the person that took it probably needed it really badly but was too embarrassed or scared to ask me to use it. She said it best to have compassion for those that take things without asking because they need extra help being valued in our world. I was still mad about it and wanted to burn their house down.

My Schwinn StingRay got ripped off in the 1970's and it was a hard thing to get over. Mom softened the blow a bit by explaining that the person that took it probably needed it really badly but was too embarrassed or scared to ask me to use it.

2 things strike me here.

  1. You were a bike riding aged boy in the 70’s? Wow! You always were in your thirties in my imaginary painting of you. Cool, so you are likely in your 4th or 5th decade of life.
  2. Your mother was so sweet, bless her heart.
  1. Astute observation- I mistakenly aged myself! You have my permission to keep me forever painted at 35 yrs. :)
  2. Mom was complex and she had her moments. I miss her!

OMG! it's very heartbreaking, I must guess. Am sorry to hear that, I guess the person that stole his bike must have been monitoring him to know when he's not around. Just comfort him and tell that in life we lose somethings and also gain somethings.

OMG. Just 5 minutes of gap and they stole bicycle. That's ridiculous thing. It happened with me too. When i was child, I parked my bicycle behind my house and just in 10 minutes my bicycle was stolen. I cried lot that time. But my parents promise me for new bicycle. But whenever I remember that moment I think, why i did park my bicycle there.
Sorry for your son's stolen bicycle.

Oh very bad news but your child is very crazy boy?????

Why would you think he was crazy? He is a boy, he plays rowdy sometime, like any boy does. He is as kind and sweet as can be. It just isn’t fair but he understands we must be more careful in the future to lock his belongings safely in the garage if we get another bike. 😣

@naeemahmedd....come on he is just a sweet little boy....
Cut him a little slake, the boy lost his ride...

Yeah he is so handsome...
You must hold him in your bosoms and tell him that every thing will be fine...
You can't do anything about stolen bike but take this opportunity to teach him some important lessons/values...
The most he will learn is from your reaction, so I suggest you to be graceful instead of being angry about theft/thief...
If you can't afford a new bike, may be we can ask steemians for help...Steemians are so awesome when it comes to things like this. I am recently running a charity for a widow's family and I was really surprised to see peoples response...

Ooh yeah it's really bad, i think you should understood your child with love and care 😊

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