Are you sick of blacks and the Israeli dual citizens who bring them to our homelands Europeans?
Blacks (sub saharan africans) are violent, stupid and lazy. The best predictor of crime, filth, horrible schools, violence and a terrible place to live is the amount of blacks in an area.
"How the percentage of blacks predicts any states murder rate"
Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty. Source:
The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime. Source:
Women who claim to be willing to date any race are lying and are just as discriminatory as women with explicit racial preferences. Source:
Half of hate crimes are Blacks and Hispanics attacking each other. Source:
White and Asian women have more successful marriages than Black or Hispanic women. Source:
Blacks and Hispanics have less ability to delay gratification than Whites. Source:
Racism is an “automatic” part of human behavior. Source:
Men with high testosterone, who are also more attractive, are more likely to be racist. Source:
Of the 30 most deadly mass shootings in America, non-whites committed 36%, a slight overrepresentation. Source:
Most students accused of sexual assault on college campuses are non-White. Source:
Europeans and Asians are subject to more recent evolution than Africans. Source:
48% of African Americans have Herpes Simplex Virus. Source:
Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in African Americans than in Whites. Source:
Police hesitate longer to shoot Black suspects than White suspects. Source:
Over 100 White women are raped or sexually assaulted by Black men every day in the United States. Source:
Blacks are overrepresented in serial killings, and this overrepresentation is increasing. Source:
Blacks are overrepresented among child abusers, and this isn’t due to biased reporting. Source:
73% of Black babies are born out of wedlock. Source:
The average Black has an IQ score 1 standard deviation (15 IQ points) lower than the average White. Source:
The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks. Source:
The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments. Source:
The Black-White IQ gap still exists and has not decreased in size. Source:
Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, despite being only 12% of the population. Source:
Blacks commit 50% of all murders, despite being only 12% of the population. Source:
Despite making up less than 12% of the US population, Blacks commit 1 in every 3 rapes. Source:
Black women are four times more likely to be overweight than White women. Source:
Students of all races perform worse in schools with more Black students. Source:
Blacks have an average brain size of 1267 cubic cm, compared to Whites at 1347 cm. Source:
97% of White men refuse to date Black women. Source:
The percentage of Blacks in a city, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime. Source:
In New York City, 1% of people arrested for shootings were White, while 74% were Black. Source:
In New York City, 43% of people arrested for rape were Black. Source:
In New York City, 61% of people arrested for robbery were Black. Source: