RE: A Random Guy Attacked Me In Lake Tahoe
I have went back and forth on how hard / easy it would be to be bloated to the core like that. If I just let myself go a little bit by not exercising for a couple of days and eating junk my abs disappear pretty fast. In the crypto boom of 2017 out of nowhere I could barely reach down and touch my toes and then after a week of being a hogzilla I went to play basketball and was completely out of breath. It didn't take long to be a shadow of my former self.
I think I could balloon up and be a massive hogzilla but even once I had gained 20 lb of where I'm at not I would feel terrible and get super depressed. Probably so depressed I wouldn't be able to have any energy to go to a job or anything.
I'm actually surprised people can bring themselves to do a lot of things. Mentally I would be a wreck.
Hahahaha “hogzilla” that is such a good term for this... I just feel like it would take like 20,000 calories a day to pull that off 🤣
Yeah it would take a massive effort and we would feel extremely worthless. Hhaha
🍕 🍔 🍕🤪🍔🍕🍔🤣