Adam Kadmon. Original androgynous being, both male and female in the image of Creator Mother and Father, the Source, not the Elohim who are the vertical spine of the Supreme Sovereign first complete Absolute being.
Elohim. Aleph (ox, strong leader), Lamed (shepherd, good trusted general), Hay (ruah, holy spirit, the breath), Yod (arm, action, transformation), Mem (water, 'hmym' waters, 'ymym' seas, mind, energy). There are the seven Elohim, sounds of music scale, colours in the rainbow, senses (including intuition and telepathy), Archangels, virtues and sins, acts of mercy, days of the week, seas, years of tribulation etc...
The Elohim, the Luminary Lords, streatch from Heavens down to Earth forming vertical dimension of up and down, a stairway to Heaven of sorts, Jacob's ladder, upon which the souls ascend and descend as are the angels and demons as the ladder continues below the ground into the realm of the dead.
It forms a bridge between the lower realms of earth and below it, connecting it to the middle and the top. The lowest realms is where the individual mind of I am that I am, aka the Demiurge, is in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, during life, with even less dimensions after death.
Then the middle realms are of the collective Mind, Heavens formed by the awaken Consciousness, aka the Christ, which guides the soul to know right from wrong on its way of ascension to divine unity with our Creator. Coming home. The realm of one dimension of space and three dimensions of time, with more dimensions after death. Here where the Work on oneself is done and progress is made. Faith put into practice thus elevating one's Spirit.
The last and starting point of the soul's journey is the Supreme Source of all Creation forming the Astral plane of pure energy as neutral eternal and infinite Absolute, the realm of constants, the absolute Love, Truth, and Peace.
There are 33 instances of Elohim in the Genesis as there are 33 vertebrae in the human spine, the 33 years of Catholic Jesus, 33 points of Compass rose, the human body is resonating at 33 octaves above the base earth's frequency, 33° Masons and latitude structures around the world to name a few.
Adam (body, red clay, blood, divine masculine)
Lilith (divine feminine)
Eve (life, alive, living)
Cain (Demiurge ego mind, awareness of past and future)
Abel (the brain, awareness in now & here)
Seth (start of Consciousness and soul's awareness of the Absolute Source.)
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