In a Creative Rut? Here's 4 Ways to Get Out Of OnesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

Virtual high five if you've experienced waves of highs and lows in your creativity.

How about creative ruts?

Unlike waves, a rut is a much darker place to be in.

It's one that lasts for an indefinite period of time and one that you should strive to get out of.


Whether it's from experiencing an emotional overload, or being in a habitual grind, a rut can creep up on you for different reasons.

It can be challenging to tap into our creative well if we are dealing with unsettling issues related to health, family, relationships and more

From first hand experience of being in a creative rut, I can admit it to not being easy to get out of.

After a few attempts I realized, there are ways around it

Here are some tips:

1. Where focus goes, energy flows


Tony Robbins epitomized this quote and it rings true for good reason

At the end of the day, you're the only one in control of your own thoughts.

No one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to think what you currently are.

If these thoughts are creating negative energy, chances are, you won't be able to invest much time focusing on anything else.

Which is why you need to replace those thoughts with ones that make you happy.

What makes you happy?

2. Make Small "Visible" Changes


While it doesn't have to be as drastic as working from a beach or getting a personal makeover, you can make small changes from your very work space.

Tidying up a few things from your work space is said to have a significantly positive impact on your personal well being.

Aside from gaining mental clarity, it's said to reduce stress/ depression, increase productivity and help you eat better

3. Be in the Present


Easier said than done right?

Take it from someone who's a daydreamer : being in the present is probably one of the most challenging things to do.

Especially when you're suffering a case of analysis by paralysis aka overthinking which often leaves you being in the "past"

So how do I do it? Every time I find my thoughts drifting to the past or entering that "negative" area, I pinch myself

This physical response allows me to recognize the state I'm going in and forces me to leave before entering the vicious cycle.

4. Shake Things Up


If you're in a creative rut chances are you're doing the same things over and over. You're living the "habitual" life, the daily grind and somehow are expecting different results?

Creativity is said to be enhanced by our ability to look at things from as many different perspectives as possible, not repeating the same thing over and over

Writing for example, is probably one of the toughest disciplines to date. There's so much focus and attention that goes into it.

If you can manage to write a post everyday, even if in your emotionally frazzled state, consider it a big accomplishment.

If you struggle, no worries. Don't beat yourself up for it.

Try switching your routine up.

Instead of listening to the same podcast, at the same time, try listening to a better one. Or better yet, get outside!

Movement : including walking around or getting a 10 min round of exercise, helps you get out of your head and provides mental clarity**.

What are some ways you get out of a creative rut?

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