What Story Are You Afraid to Tell? That Might Be Just The Connection You Need! #Dolphinschool Bootcamp, Day 10!

in #creativity7 years ago

Well, we made it. Here we are at day ten, and miraculously, only half of us dropped off. The discipline and commitment it takes to contribute to something like Steemit for 10 straight days is remarkable. Add to that the assignment load you were working under, and all of you should be proud.

Side note, I have not forgotten the last two days assignments. I had a huge event to attend with my wife last night and simply couldn't finish everything.I will. This is the biggest reason dolphinschool should probably be just a tad shorter

To those who couldn't quite finish the race. My hat is off to you. Life is busy. We have to set priorities and know that I'm still here to support you in any way I can. You've done some excellent work and you should be proud as well!

But, today isn't about that.

We're not quite finished yet and I want to share one more lesson.

We've talked about the attention economy, and how we, here at Steemit, are one of the purest possible representations of what it means to pay for people's attention. Out of the digital ether, we've grown an economy that was recently market capped at 1 Billion US Dollars.

Can you even grasp how amazing that is?

When Satoshi Nakamoto, whoever he, she, it, they, are, launched Bitcoin almost a decade ago, did they really understand the revolution they were starting? I wonder.

But, as in all markets, if people are going to invest in a thing, even if it "costs" them nothing out of pocket (except vote power) they want to know they are investing in the real deal.

They want to see you for who you really are. No, I'm not necessarily talking about your identity. There are plenty of people who are here anonymously, that still manage to vulnerable and open.

Just like those people standing in line for hours at the Antique Roadshow

They want to know, is this the real deal, or am I voting for someone that turns out to not believe a word they've said, who is just here for profit and attention, and will say anything to get it? Am I being inspired, or am I just being trolled?

Are you for real?

Are you?

In an age when transparency is prized, are you showing your real face to the world, or are you hiding behind an intricately contrived mask? So, I'm going to put a challenge to you.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it

Is to tell me a story about the real you. It can take any form. It can be a video, a song, a painting, a poem, a photo, whatever. But, here is what I want to challenge you. Share something that costs you something.

PLEASE! Before you start, don't send me links to nude photos of you!

I don't want to see it. That may be your truth and you may need to do that for some reason, at some point in your life. If that's how you feel, more power to you, but that's not what I mean.

It's at this point, I need to take a minute to get real. I don't have any deep dark secrets, I never have. In fact, the things I hide about myself are so mundane half of you would probably say "me too" to each of them, but here's the thing. It doesn't make it any less scary to me. And, you can ask anyone that knows me in the "real world" I'm not one to talk about fear, I don't fear much at all. But, there are things I could say that might help someone else. Because they perceive me one way, and in reality, I may be going through things that they totall understand.


As an actor, it's a tool we use, to find a point of connection between us and the realities we're asked to portray. Anthony Hopkins had to find some tiny piece of himself, inside the monster of Hannibal Lecter. It's what allows us to understand each other's weaknesses.

So, I'm working on a story about my own journey toward accepting myself in the stage of life I'm in. Or, rather, changing the things I can, and accepting the rest. (No, I've never been a "friend of Bill" that's not my struggle) I'll share it separately. It's nothing traumatic, or shocking, but it's where I'm at and it's not something I like to talk about.

So, what do you struggle with?

Let's lay some ground rules. The danger in this type of writing is that, rather than become cathartic for us, and healing for the reader, it turns into emotional pornography, where we share ugly feelings that don't belong in a public setting, just to feel better. That's not what I want.

  • Only you can decide what's safe for you to share. (don't forget your audience, too)
  • Consider the people in your life, if this story impacts them, you might get their input before sharing it.
  • Please, do not betray anyone's confidence to fulfill this assignment. If you said you'd keep a secret, die with it, or wait until they are gone, or take it to the proper involved parties if you need to.
  • I am not asking you to "lay your sins on the altar" either. There's a time and place for that, in more intimate and trusting surroundings.
  • Remember, the blockchain is forever. Make sure this is something you're okay with being out there.

Other than that, it is up to you. Whatever your struggle, share it. There are a few other things I suggest you avoid, due to the nature of steemit.

  • Don't beg for help, money, or investment.
  • Try to write this in an encouraging way, or you will get a lot of "I agree" comments that will just get darker and darker.
  • It could also be something you've worked through or over come.
  • Leave your audience with a note of hope. What are you looking to? Faith, art, relationships? What keeps you going?

I told you we would go out with a bang! and here it is!

To the students of the first ever Dolphinschool Bootcamp! My gratitude is overwhelming. You allowed me into your work and took my advice with humor and humility. You worked your asses off to meet deadlines and produce work to the standard required. You shared with your fellow classmates, encouraged them, and I think built some friendships that will last here in a big, big place!

Going forward, I'm going to be asking you to partner with me.

As you grow on steemit, please consider adopting a plankton or two from time to time. Talk to them, encourage them, show them the ropes, loan them SP if you get in that situation where you can. Don't forget what it was like.

Then, also, any of you that would like to be an ongoing part of this project, let me know. As I formulate the plan for going forward, I'll find a way for us to discuss this off platform. I think it's been great to lay this experiment out in the open, where everyone can see what we did, but it also has taken a tole on my usual blog voters.

So, I'm open to any and all suggestions if you'd like to be a part, or, if not, we wish you well! This has been the highlight of this young year for me so far. I'd throw you all a parade, but it seems the US parade budget is being reserved for an overgrown child to satisfy his ego at the moment! LOL


Can he do that???

Now, go follow me and these awesome authors!

@manuelmendez @chieppa1 @mawit07 @jampresents @magicalmoonlight @lilyraabe @donjyde @redheadpei @mandelsage @andysantics48 @insideoutlet @bristowboy @sarahewaring @jeejee @bozz @naquoya @cristoferimm @mineopoly @makingthebest09 @solomon507 @powellx5 @castleberry @sarahart @happychaga @lahvista


As you said life can get in the way but its been fun, I am not sure I completed with the last assignment but I do have a story to share, one that I have shared but not in this forum. I will have to write up tomorrow for submission but I did want to say thank you for #dolphinschool it's been a lot of fun and a lot of work. You did great and I am interested in hearing more about what we can all do together in the future. Happy swimming with the dolphins! @insideoutlet

My Last Assignment! Thanks for the fun times How my life got flipped Inside Out..., this was the worst three years of my life but out of it came my life. x

I'm so incredibly proud of everyone, including you, @markrmorrisjr!

Thank you my friend. It's supporters like you that make it all worth while.

I would love to find a way to participate as an aide in future bootcamps. Todays assignment is a tough one. You know that, right? I have a couple of topics that could be books. lol

Well, every good story hinges on a single scene. Write that one.

Another great post, another good tip. Thanks for that.

I agree that it’s beneficial to show the real you in your posts, although that’s not always as easy.
When I first started here on SteemIt, I wrote what I thought people wanted to read. It made writing an effort. Then, at one point, I decided to just write about how intimidated I was by all these good writers on SteemIt. Straight from the heart. It didn’t only feel a lot better to be honest and to be myself, it also got some very inspiring comments. Since I wrote that article, a lot has changed. I’m much more open on SteemIt, but also in real life. And in both worlds I get a lot more honest, positive feedback, and I’ve made some very interesting connections...
All this just to say that I’ve learned only recently that people are more interested in knowing the real you, with your flaws, than in the you that is pretending to be someone you are not...
I do need a reminder sometimes, and your article was such a reminder. Thanks for that. :0)

P.s.: in case you would be interest, the post is still in my old account here

Hey, be sure you follow me over here on @dolphinschool too. I'll be moving all my tutorial publishing to that page. I think I need to compartmentalize my audience just a bit.

I'm just assuming that this is today's homework spot as well. The confusion is real Mr. Morris. lol Check out my true confession

Hi, this is Mark. Learned a new trick today, and opened the Dolphinschool account, so that everything doesn't have to be on my blog the next time. I thought it would help all of you, since I have almost 3000 followers, but from some things people have said, I think it actually ended up hurting me, instead. I'll be putting up a post there for these and leaving a link here.

I will be happy to link there also. Did you get a chance to look at my Marrakesh post?

No, I must confess to being wiped out today. I will get to it, I promise, but it may be tomorrow.

EEEEEEEKKK!! Look that!! YAY!


Hey Mark! THANK YOU THANK YOU for making this whole thing possible and please do stay in touch as future opportunities come up!

Based on a comment from you on a homework assignment earlier in the process telling me to think about what would be vulnerable to share--I’ve been putting out some pieces of writing about my past (it’s sections of an ongoing free-write). Anyways. For me, its kind of a risk.
Here is Part One
Here is Part Two
Part Three? Pending.

I really noticed that you put yourself--and your own business--on the line to support us. You didn’t have any clue about the people who signed up wth you and your graciousness and kindness to total strangers was pretty exceptional. Also, every person who worked with you grew tremendously. You absolutely made 20 people into better writers no matter where they landed in the process. That’s pretty neat. THANK YOU!

Yeah, you're welcome. My business will recover and likely be stronger than ever. especially with the added support from all the new followers. Now to make dolphinschool famouser than me!


Cool, thanks! Man, why didn't I know this sooner? Could have made it all SO much easier, just set up a feed for all of you and do my critiques from that! LOL

I am so incredibly grateful for all the help you have given the #dolphinschool students. That was a tough task for you to take on. It was a tough task for us as well lol I am very proud of everyone who joined the first ever Dolphin School. Please check out my final Dolphin School assignment The Hospital Left Me To Die. Its long but I figured why not go out with a bang!? Thanks again @markrmorrisjr

It was my pleasure. If you haven't yet, follow the new @dolphinschool channel where I'll be sharing all the training stuff from now on. Love to have you contribute anytime!

To those who couldn't quite finish the race. My hat is off to you. Life is busy

I love you

Is to tell me a story about the real you

This will be very interesting, I put something of my own life in each post, but I've never told the full story, This will be fun

any of you that would like to be an ongoing part of this project, let me know

I'm really looking forward into this. Dolphinschool could be a permanent project that evolves over time, I think we could cover a wide range of topics in each season, and the participanst could choose in wich areas they are more interested to apply

The best way to do a plan is creating a discord server and talking there, and we should use discord aswell for the seasons to come

Thanks for all of what you've done for us

EDIT: here is my homework https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@manuelmendez/welcome-to-my-story-you-might-love-it-or-hate-it-but-it-s-my-story

I'll be getting to the critiques today and tomorrow. Thanks for your kind words. It was my pleasure.


I tried desperately to get my blog done before sundown. It just didn’t happen. I had a beautiful blog written and I got an undeniable quickening to not post this post just yet. So I deleted it. I started all over on a second subject but I ran out of daylight. We try to honor the Sabbath from sundown to sundown (Friday to Saturday). So I’ll post my assignment for day 10 on Saturday evening after Sundown. Thanks for understanding.

No worries, I meant to tell you guys to take a couple days on that one. Wow me.

Here's mine. It may hurt me on this site. I's costing me. Assignment

Ill get to critiques today and tomorrow. Life caught up with me.

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