Rubik's Cube tricks!
Normal Rubik Cube, Credit: Link
All of you know what is rubik cube, so I don't want to be boring. The goal of this post is a question: Do you know to solve rubik cube and do you want to learn how to make some other shapes with cube? Like the shapes on ↓↓↓ picture.
If you want to learn it, comment to this post and I will make a video tutorial.
○Invented in 1974
○Originally called the Magic Cube
○Over 350 million cubes had been sold worldwide
○The world record time for solving a 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube is 4.59 seconds
○The world record fastest one-handed solve is 6.88 seconds
○The world record fastest Rubik's Cube solve with one's feet is 16.96 seconds
Today there are many variations of Rubik's cube, some of them:
One of my favorite:
PS. I solved it.
Some sources are taken from the wikipedia: Link