Master the Lost Art of Waiting

in #creativity7 years ago


"We have forgotten how to wait; it is almost an abandoned space. And it is our greatest treasure to be able to wait for the right moment. The whole existence waits for the right moment. Even trees know it - when it is time to bring the flowers and when it is time to let go of all the leaves and stand naked against the sky. They are still beautiful in that nakedness, waiting for the new foliage with a great trust that the old has gone, and the new will soon be coming, and the new leaves will start growing. We have forgotten to wait, we want everything in a hurry. It is a great loss to humanity...

In silence and waiting something inside you goes on growing - your authentic being. And one day it jumps and becomes a flame, and your whole personality is shattered; you are a new man."

The following is an energy transference. Close your eyes and receive this:

"Patience pays. Wait. Let the hand of God work for you. The One who has created you, let Him create all the environments, circumstances, and facilities and faculties.

Too kaahay doleh paraanee-aa tudh raakhaigaa sirjanhaar.

Jin paidaa-is too kee-aa so-ee day-ay aadhaar.

Oh individual, why you are in a very doubtful state? The One who has made you will take care of you. The One who has created this Universe, all the planets, planetary faculties and facilities on Earth, He is the One who has created you. Wait. Have patience. Lean on him. And all best things will come to you.

Dwell in God. Dwell in God. Dwell in God. Befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. Dwell in God and befriend your soul. All the faculties and facilities of the Creation, which are in your best interest shall be at your feet. You need million things. Million things will reach you if you are stable, established, firm, patient. Remember, Creator watches over you and Creation is ready to serve you, if you just be you.

So please take away the ghost of your life and stop chasing round. Consolidate. Concentrate. Be you. And may all the peace and peaceful environments, prosperity approach you forever. Sat Nam"
-Yogi Bhajan
yogi bhajan.jpg
Source: 3ho

"It is a time to be passive, letting nature take its course. being neither sleepy nor indifferent, it is time to be ready for something momentous. It is a time full of mystery, like the hours just before dawn. It is a time when the only thing to do is wait."

Every day I draw a card from one of my tarot decks to help my Steemians be successful, happy, well, on purpose, and their best selves. This post was inspired by drawing from the Osho Zen Tarot deck.


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Patience is a beautiful thing!

Many people who try to use the Law of Attraction in their favor often lose patience before things and situations actually manifest. Then, they throw away the whole notion as new age garbage.

The Law is a universal constant; for our thoughts and emotions are energy-waves. And that energy goes somewhere. It goes out to all of creation and 'attracts' its likeness. So when you are negative, you bring negative to you. When you are positive you bring positive to you.

Getting into the body, becoming em-bodied, is a wonderful practice for developing patience. For when you center and calm your body, your mind-body complex benefits from this, since the "feedback loop" from your body reminds your mind that "all is good, I am safe, I have no hurry"

Be patient, let those seeds you plant with your will and thoughts and emotions take root; and they will sprout on their own time.

No, thank YOU for inspiration <3

Definitely agree we have become a society o f immediate gratification.

More and more so!

Great and wise post. It's amazing how much of our discontent only exists because we can't just sit around, do nothing and wait.

If we can find joy in waiting!

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