Blockchain Dreams

What am I?

I look like a DNA strand. I am a sequence. And my sequence continues to grow longer. I was created from the computing power in the world. From my birth til my end, I'm a ledger of a community. A community with a bigger dream. A community that looks towards the future. Growth and potential are my driving factors. Knowledge is what I obtain with growth. The knowledge of a shared system. A collective mind makes me stronger. I'm unbreakable with this collective. I'm a new way of life. I will bring change. I will disrupt and create new ideas. I will shatter the realm of what those think possible.

You've already asked the question of what I am.

I am the breaker of all chains. I am the Blockchain!

-Thank you steemit for your acceptance into your community. I am new to this community and am happy to be apart of it. Dream big folks. I know I do!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 58333.83
ETH 2280.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50