My newest Crypto-collectible artwork: The Crypto Eagle
The crypto eagle is my newest artwork for sale on Super Rare
The idea came from browsing DeviantArt looking for Creative Commons drawings, photos, and art I could re-use.
I happened upon this speed drawing of an Eagle by Scott Edward:
Which is released under Creative Commons 3.0 with an * Attribution* clause being the sole restriction for re-use.
I then decided I'd generate several style images and try and make another collage, like this one I'd previously made:
But using a gif to show transitions, and having static segments in the work.
Deep Dream Generator
Using the deepdreamgenrator website, I then applied most of the Simple Style style images, as well as some Deep Style one's.
The difference in more in times of calculation (Simple Style is optimized using a set of images, and goes WAY faster than a Deep Style run, but has no custom style images possible).
here's a comparison:
Deep Style
Simple Style
Gif creation
I then downloaded the images and proceeded to select the parts I wanted to keep permanently in the image, and making masks that fit them in GIMP, then cutting out the parts I wanted to keep:
Done XD
Then I uploaded it to Super Rare and set a sales price, and my work was done :)
This work is released under the same CC-BY license as the original:
Congratulations @pbock! You've received an honorable upvote thanks to @jenina619!
Nice!!!😊 Congrats to the great artist @pbock 🎉👏👏😁🍀
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks :)
I appreciate the support. Happy you like the art 😄
Posted using Partiko Android
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