Things usually look better when you're not tired XP
Having been stuck in my catch22 forever and having completely and utterly failed hard at meeting the one and only goal I ever had, I can relate.

Things usually look better when you're not tired XP
Having been stuck in my catch22 forever and having completely and utterly failed hard at meeting the one and only goal I ever had, I can relate.
Haha that's really true!
That's is so frustrating. Im curious about your one and only goal?
I wanted to earn enough money from my project for J to retire and do all the home stuff (homeschooling and house stuff) by the time our eldest was 10. He’s now 14 and I’m no closer.
The catch 22 is needing more time to work on the project for it to get anywhere fast but can’t get that time unless J is able to stay home to do all the things I’m currently doing which can’t happen unless I can make enough money off it for him to do so 🙄
Posted using Partiko iOS
Ah thanks for explaining. Yeah that really is a catch22 and must be so frustrating... A bit like I want to become an full time artist but doesn’t pay the bills so I need to find a job next to it but sucks up all the energy and time needed for getting anywhere as an artist :|
Yep that’s exactly it. It’s what fostered my burning hatred for the “work for a living” delusion and I try really, really hard not to unexpectedly incinerate the poor saps who tell me that this is the only possible way for things to ever be 🤣
Posted using Partiko iOS