The Halvening is Complete

Two weeks ago, we announced the plans for CreativeCoin to half the rewards payout. And as of this past Thursday, I'm happy to announce that the settings have been changed and this is now completed. From here on, you should notice LOWER payouts than before.
We're actively looking at developing some new features in 2020 and hope to be able to announce some news soon!
Thanks everyone!
Thanks for the updates.
Dig the platform.
Power to you.
Well, I'm hoping this is going to be a good thing for @creativecoin and for the community as a whole.
Clearly, this is my favorite tribe (hint: username) and I am always grateful for these updates... because it seems like so many people have done the "Ooooh, let's create a tribe and a token!" thing, and then gone on permanent vacation. Anyway, maybe this will create a little more scarcity and help balance out the huge buy/sell imbalance for the token...
Love the creative community, though! I wish people could look at this as something more than just investing!
The halving is there !
I used to have 12ccc power vote at 4k coins
Now i have 3ccc at 8k coins
You guys burned the whole damn house ? !
Are there any more CreativeCoin updates or news on the horizon? I hope to see the community grow. Best to you.