Really awesome work! I've tried Zbrush but found it quite a challenge so I've left it for now to continue with my 2D photoshop digital painting. Great work though and hope your casting goes well.
Really awesome work! I've tried Zbrush but found it quite a challenge so I've left it for now to continue with my 2D photoshop digital painting. Great work though and hope your casting goes well.
Thanks a bunch! Yeah it's got a bit of a steep initial learning curve. There's some pretty decent tutorials on lynda though. You just have to wrap your noggin around the fact that you are dealing with a so called 2.5D paint program that's been frankenstein'd into a 3d sculpting app. Then it just becomes a question of practice. Also you can press the control button (on MacOS, ctrl I think on windows?) and mouse over every tool in the program for an explanation of it. Pixologic has some pretty good tutorials as well.