Not Made with : creativity aint dead yet
fate decided blender again today so i have plenty of wait while its baking simulations. Looks like creativity isn't dead yet.
From Vimeo Festival awards .
I also noticed my re-steems have boiled down to the one person still posting lol . I'm going to reset all of it, including what's in the autovoters at start next year and see who gets in . Its pretty clear steem is a lost cause now . In a year where BTC reaches $25 k and ETH and LTC shoot out of bum-range so i can forget about those too, STEEM stubbornly refuses to act like it should . . . thats too bad
H²élyos from Cokau Lab on Vimeo.
hmm .. render 80% finished - gave up on the one that said "204 hours remaining" - i think i might have the giste of modelling frock : "it wont work in five minutes"
i often wonder how many hours those ryzen yuppies spend before they get to the 2 days of editing the video that says
how to do your wife in five minutes
im sure she loves that
so i'll be shifting and re-shovelling some after new year here, mostly on a quid pro quo basis
because after all politics, thats how its done
dont wait up for the miracle cure, seeing is believing
yea there's more but not all vids seem to have a share button
so here's what i was waiting for while typing this ... a checker ...
im trying for something ancient egyptian style now i have something that actually folds more or less like i expecct it to
so its creative by me too (there used to be people here called "steemcleaners" who were backed by one account with 1.5 million steem and all they did was seek out others posts to downvote
so , since steem works by "pay to advertise" and thats how the price goes up. These people backed by one retard with money acted like a pack of hyenas who had this rigid notion of what content is and literally wrecked all posts who didnt follow THEIR rules, including people who "paid to advertise"
which they thought was "not how its done"
and so here we are, with steem not at over $7 but stuck under $0.20
because "making money is bad" and "you cant act in the expectation of a reward" (spoken like a true millionnaire)
if anyone gets the blame for the state of the state
id say its them
blendering the night away doesnt get too far it seems
simulations is a bitch
but if i sculpt i get like "drag mouse", then "count to five" and then sometimes i see something moving :D
bum is a bitch too
everything's a bitch
je moeder ...
yea ... well the head honcho of the western turnnels trading guild happens to be africannaly fenotyped , i was gonna take after berber-style but now i have this i think i shouldnt let it go to waste and create a basemodel that works on all types "egyptian"-style :)
to be released in 1300 years unless i find my 100 million on the lottery
aHAH - goes to show why it didnt show here - psychopath is considered normal ... emotions and thinking is bad and everything here is better and over yonder hill is worse
bad ?
good ?
soviet helgium, masters of information, so, statistically speaking as one of the worst-hit percentage-wise we SHOULD have extra psychopaths now ... and the question remains : do a-symptomatics actually HAVE symptoms related to covid that dont look like snot-storm and drowning in your own lungs. I read a lot before about impact on the brain (and not just due to oxygen-deprivation) - strokes as well as mental issues, since as long as at least six months ago i read it being observed but
its too inconvenient lol (and it doesnt stand out anyway where psycho is the norm)
thats good ... more goodness coming up
now sports
and also : some pc principle :
back in egypt
Pharael Jackson speaking in the good ole days :
Owh, another lawsuit ? maybe i'll call Niggy Tardust Williams to the seat then ... as a history buff he will probably acknowledge that even in 2020 - slaves built the pyramids and
most african imports were sold by their own tribe leader
i dont wanna diss and i dont wanna dat
but i dont wanna have altered history, thats for certain
i live in belgium, ole king Leopold will give the americans a run for their money. They tore down statues of the guy as if thats gonna change anything but turn the present into a lie about the past
i think all that shit's retarted and counter-productive to the actual goal the few who arent in it just for the looting rights are trying to reach
i swore no politics and
maybe i should just stop talking til either easter or kingdom come
i think the brainbug has done a lot more damage than is visible on the surface yet ... its like
like rats on toxoplasmosis acting all suicidal to a cat sometimes
havent seen half of it
maybe never will when the zombies start rising :)
ah while we're at it ... gotta go get the meat from the freshbox (best invention ever, even without corona, no waiting in stores and the butcher can sell twice in same time and no jobs get hurt since someone still has to pack it, i can take two hours to choose and they get the order in the mail via the site in five seconds ... i pick an hour , they put it in , surgical 10 minute excursion)
i<3it :p
47 minutes ago (edited) "dark souls" directed by Pete Jackson and Cameron with co-op Miyazaki as advisory board ... id go for that - but id go for any movie where Jackson and Cameron can sit long enough without getting ... "creative differences" ? (translate : wanted to crack the motherfuckers head open or in goodspeak : the good man's skullcap needed adjusting since it just didnt sit right with me). . .
add Tarantino for a perfect triumvirate although any T-movie is probably illegal badpseak-pr0n in 2020+tsk .. yea dark souls
and maybe after that Ark : the movie (with Vin Diesel ofcourse heh heh)
tsch ..
and a year without new star wars or marvel movies so they actually take some time to work on the storyboard instead of dine on the franchise
but ... Tom Cruise starring in a top gun sequel ? im not sure if thats cool or just downright scary , i was a kid back then
yea its a trick, Bloom-sensei will acknowledge im sure :
put your opinions at the bottom unless you're a bearded youtube yuppie
no one reads that far :)
yyea ... so after six months now its "brand new" ... like the vaccine cost that shouldnt be spoken publicly was on every news site two months ago ?
but maybe this is for the better - i have at least 150 vendettas in town, maybe i can settle the score and claim "temporary covid insanity"
maybe Trump can do the same and call for re-election
but whetever it is
re-living while stuck in the middle makes "let it go" a hippie-thing until its settled
dont forget those good vibes while you're crawling up my ass, precious ... don't complain if you smell the shit for the rest of your life once i forcefully eject you .
and such and so
all fun and games
SUPER great, smiley lol and everythings absolutely AWESOME !
isnt it ?
yyyeaaah, at LEAST six months since i read someone doctoratus+ write about the blood brain barrier and corona
(even fun-stuff like potential similarity to something called chickenpox that can go hiding in spinal or cerebral fluid at very young age , and sit there doing like nothing that shows and then LATER ... come out mutated, like , when they're grown up lol)
i actually came to the conclusion yesterday after days of mental bombardment in van drukkerland that most of my problems all my life have arisen from being ten years early
tien jaar VOOR in een ACHTER land
from crypto to commodore basic and computers (which started when i was 17 in school) but started when i had my c64 at home
which always got taken by the folks since "computers!!?? whats that for, silly games" if i didnt do my homework and
this whole hellhole is stuck in 1830
no billionnaires unless the five who got jailed for fraud
no global companies
the biggest achievement Kongolese slave-driving back in the good old day and me ?
dikkenek ...
en zwijgen voor jeremy de neger en orang oetan boy
see? keep your opinion at the bottom in the smallprint